Example sentences of "have been [verb] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Charles Walker has recently returned from a world trip , during which he has been taking photographs in preparation for his next book .
2 Charles Walker has recently returned from a world trip , during which he has been taking photographs in preparation for his next book .
3 Several members have sent submissions to a national review called ‘ Enjoying the Outdoors ’ , and John Taylor , the secretary , has been monitoring developments in forestry .
4 In Slovenia a psychiatrist has been advising staff in refugee camps as to how to respond to the needs of traumatised children .
5 As the numbers of records increase , the problem of waiting for a reply to a query until the whole of a serial file has been searched increases in proportion , and eventually this delay becomes unacceptable .
6 London Scottish sevens coach and former scrum-half Andy Cushing has been helping PORTUGAL in training and , without any doubt , in spite of a temperamental outburst from Pedro Neiva that earned him an early shower and a one-match suspension , it showed .
7 Europe , of course , is something of a captive market ; not only is ESA funded by 13 European member-states but ESA 's procurement policy has been to award contracts in proportion to a country 's given contribution to its budget .
8 While on tour , the company has been circulating questionnaires in order to assess customer demand for 3V devices .
9 Aghredien , who played for SARU and is classified as coloured ( his father was Malayan and his mother Norwegian ) , has been working hand in hand with Bill Cunningham — a back-row forward , who played for the Springboks on their 1959 internal tour — to develop rugby in townships around Port Elizabeth for nearly two decades .
10 He points out that under John Akers , IBM has built its desktop computing business to $8,500m in worldwide sales in 1991 , giving it 19% market share ; remained the worldwide leader in information technology revenues , at $62,800m last year up nearly 30% from $48,500m in 1985 when Akers took over ; and avoided the worst crisis that could have befallen it — which would have been to sacrifice investments in research and development for the sake of a fast buck — it spent $6,600m last year .
11 Why Mr Jones did n't book him for what could have been deemed incitement in front of Newcastle 's followers will remain a mystery along with his dropball doodle-bug .
12 He had been appointed demonstrator in anatomy in his second year as a student , a remarkable achievement .
13 For the past week I had been learning lines in preparation for an appearance in a new play due to start rehearsing later that month , and I loathed interruptions .
14 The former is the voice of sound , sensible England , the latter is Spenser who had been granted land in county Cork in 1588 .
15 He flew to Holyhead in a helicopter from the Queen 's flight and then on to Anglesey for a series of visits which had been arranged months in advance .
16 But Anthony Arnold , chairman of the Vale of Glamorgan Conservative Association , said the visit by the Central Office agent had been arranged weeks in advance .
17 Demand management had been given priority in preference to profitable or productive work .
18 By and large , climatologists agree that two ‘ perturbations ’ have been affecting trends in temperature during the present century : the warming influence of this increase in carbon dioxide , and the variable cooling influence produced when great volcanic eruptions spread dust high into the stratosphere , blocking some of the heat from the Sun .
19 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
20 Overall it is clear that two parallel developments have been taking place in adult education for the unemployed .
21 However , as the hon. Gentleman knows , the Libyan Government have been taking steps in parallel — that is , they have made an application to the ICJ and , at the same time , they are making a response to the UN Security Council .
22 Minority representatives , including two Indians , have seven seats ; three other guerrilla movements have been given seats in return for disarming .
23 The US is hardly lily white in the battle over chip imports into Japan , and Japanese chip users say that their US suppliers have been cancelling deliveries in favour of US customers even as they complain about the difficulty of penetrating the market , according to Electronic Industries Association of Japan .
24 Bolton 's letters ( The Letters of an English Merchant in Madeira , 1695–1714 ) are preserved and have been published part in book form and part in duplicated form .
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