Example sentences of "have his [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Like he always has his hair cut by the same man .
2 Well , he now has his stepmother to thank for the beautiful house that has been restored to look as it did in the 18th century .
3 ‘ Ernest has his head screwed on the right way , ’ Ruth said .
4 Lij Yasu has his head shaved in the Danakil fashion and is living with the Danakil ; what food or milk he requires he seizes from the nearest villages , and he is doing nothing but hunt occasionally .
5 When the next Rushdie has his book put to the torch , incitement to violence over a book , whether for or against it , should be treated as a criminal offence .
6 ‘ It 's what we 've been working for all season , ’ said the delighted Whitham , who now has his sights set on the international scene for 1994 , either in Superbikes or the 500cc Grand Prix series .
7 A heroin addict who gave a friend a fatal injection of drugs has had his sentence reduced by the Court of Appeal .
8 This bland characterisation is apt only if B is misleadingly conceived as a person who has had his conviction quashed on the basis of successfully arguing one of his points of appeal .
9 I think we should cover Dull , and see whether the man there has had his wits cleared by the smell of fresh shite under his nose . ’
10 John Hurst , the managing director of Deon who make a Ferrari Dino replica , has often had his cars mistaken for the real thing by owners of the genuine article .
11 A sepoy with a green turban had had his spine shattered by The Spirit of Science ; others had been struck down by teaspoons , by fish-knives , by marbles ; an unfortunate subadar had been plucked from this world by the silver sugar-tongs embedded in his brain .
12 One needs Ford Madox Ford 's emphasis on ‘ the Mediterranean basin , to understand that ‘ tovarisch ’ is being dignified by having his exploits measured against the myths of ancient Greece — for instance , that of Cadmus , founder of Thebes , who sowed dragon 's teeth from which sprang warriors which fought among themselves until only five remained .
13 He forced his wife to put up with having his mistress living in the house with them .
14 He was n't going to risk having his horse spooked into the ditch by a nervous sentry .
15 A marriage of Baptists believers , this : Charles , unlike his brother John , was never a full member of Badcox Lane Chapel , and he was even to play safe by having his children christened at the parish church ; but it was to the Baptists he turned whenever there was a death in the family , and eventually he and his wife would find a last resting place in the chapel burial ground on Catherine Hill .
16 Even when Samuel is facing death by having his throat cut in the Gents the exchange goes like this , ‘ Mother of Mary , that reminds me of my poor Joseph going .
17 If contributory negligence is established , the modern position is that the plaintiff will have his damages reduced by the court in proportion to his fault .
18 A sub-contractor who fails to supply the 715 voucher may have his certificate withdrawn by the Inland Revenue .
19 If , for example , prior to a sale , the wife transfers all her shares to her husband , he should subsequently have his shareholding valued on the assumption that he held all the shares on 31 March 1982 .
20 But Ryan decided that he 'd have his head shaved at the back of his head , so he got this boy to write his name on .
21 It seems , however , Rocky will have his work getting into the team now ( barring injuries ) .
22 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
23 The second was that Article 3(1) of the Directive' the transferor 's rights and obligations arising from a contract of employment or from an employment relationship existing on the date of a transfer within the meaning of Article 1(1) shall , by reason of such transfer , be transferred to the transferee' did not require an employee who was opposed to the transfer to have his contract transferred with the business .
24 Lance Henly was destined to become a legend in Club lore and the only Secretary to have his photograph hung in the clubhouse .
25 Belfast man Hamilton Allen said he would prefer to have his pension paid into the bank .
26 He collects a motley crew of musicians and singers , drunken Deco , Dean with his uncle 's sax , Billy , who has to have his drums redeemed from the pawnbrokers , Joey ‘ The Lips ’ Fagan , and the girls Imelda , Natalie and Bernie .
27 He had no weapons apart from his hands and teeth , but he moved surprisingly quickly , dodging the monster 's spear thrusts , and lashing out with his hands only to have his blows intercepted by the monster 's shield .
28 Paul has become one of the first fans to have his room decorated with the wallpaper .
29 The crowding pushed Izzie and the Mason further and further forward until the parson had his back pressed against the altar .
30 Hunter had his spleen removed after the Students World Cup last summer , and it 's been a slow process working back to full fitness .
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