Example sentences of "have to be [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet in order to understand the present pattern and appearance of settlements , allowance has to be made for varying degrees of change occurring in the past .
2 Of course , it is more complex than that because allowance has to be made for convergent evolution , which is the acquisition of common characteristics by virtue of having been subjected to the same selection pressures , rather than because of sharing a common ancestor .
3 In such instances allowance has to be made for these features when planning the design , so much so that at Woodchester Orpheus may , for this reason , have been displaced from his usual , central position ( pI .
4 I have followed it through closely because it shows the kind of diplomacy which , though no comparable evidence survives , has to be assumed for subsequent relations between Charles and his brothers ( and later his nephews ) throughout his reign .
5 Sometimes this means taking a very definite stand on certain issues , but it has to be done for both your sakes .
6 For groups to function at this level , opportunity has to be given for full social contact between members , and the emphasis has to be placed not on activity , but on group interaction .
7 Much relevant information has to be collected for administrative reasons and the same forms used for record-keeping could be adapted to provide regular research results .
8 This means that in an ideal world a new mailing list has to be compiled for each story or piece of information you want to impart to the media .
9 It has to be checked for any messages that could 've been left . ’
10 Because production speed is important but flexibility more so ( the system has to be used for other things as well ) we adopted Aldus PageMaker as our standard layout package , we run it on both Macintosh and PC systems , and Word Perfect as our word processor .
11 That has to be paid for some time , and it can not be justified .
12 An appropriate scientific technique has to be chosen for this task , and experience of analysing antiquities suggests that there are certain requirements of such a technique .
13 Given the scarcity of research and the potential for teachers of collecting data in their own classrooms , trainee teachers can be introduced to research procedures in initial training although a more thorough approach has to be left for in-service work due to inevitable constraints on time .
14 One of the problems is the way hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice — often in the quickest and cheapest manner .
15 ‘ Although it is argued that fear of punitive jury awards has made the US business safety-conscious , quite a price has had to be paid for that by way of corporate and insurance company bankruptcy , the closing of municipal facilities and the practice of defensive medicine . ’
16 It may therefore provide the incentive for the most thorough pre-purchase behaviour , and marketers hoping to supply such products may have to be prepared for extensive enquiry and investigation before they will manage to sell any of them .
17 Seeing it yesterday for the first time , she had reflected that great tact would have to be employed for two women to share quarters this size .
18 Headphones will have to be worn for this type of interview .
19 It also takes the pressure off the local forest or other local natural resources which do not have to be destroyed for short-term gains .
20 Slote concedes that in determining how much of a stock should be retained , separate percentages may have to be fixed for different sections of the stock , such as fiction and non-fiction .
21 Arrangements may have to be made for existing £6 membership who genuinely can not afford more but who would like to continue to receive the magazine .
22 Provision would have to be made for safe keeping — a locked cupboard in the hall keeper 's room and it would be necessary to erect an aerial .
23 Provision would have to be made for safe keeping — a locked cupboard in the hall keeper 's room and it would be necessary to erect an aerial .
24 No doubt substantial changes will have to be made for permanent coverage .
25 Money borrowed from a pawnbroker did not have to be repaid for fifteen months .
26 Whilst the agreements typically laid down a period of discussion between management and union representatives prior to the introduction of change , there were weaknesses in the terms dealing with provision of information , and early union involvement in decision making , which would have to be altered for effective union influence on the process of change .
27 ‘ The provisions of existing and newly drafted legal documents will have to be scrutinised for potential exposures . ’
28 While such a view is not absurd , it hardly touches on the issues which would have to be addressed for any overall assessment .
29 This means that conventional spoken broadcast traffic messages will have to be continued for many years .
30 The maiden voyage may have to be postponed for five months as a result of a fault in one of Challenger 's fuel tanks .
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