Example sentences of "have move from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The CAA 's Central Library has moved from Kingsway to Aviation House at Gatwick , where it is open for reference and sale of CAA publications from 0930–1630 Monday to Friday .
2 In the space of only two weeks , the Slovak lawyer has moved from dissident to defendant to government minister .
3 But now he has moved from critic to principal player , he may discover the advantages of the business brain so vilified by Raine 's critics .
4 Squash at Harlow Sportcentre has moved from strength to strength , starting with just two courts when the centre first opened .
5 Love has to move from idea to reality , and that is always God 's way — the way of incarnation .
6 During the exchange itself he 'd moved from suspicion to disbelief to disgust and finally to acceptance of Estabrook 's proposal .
7 Bombed out of one small premises , Grandpa had moved from factory to factory , finally ending up in what was now Belmodes .
8 He tried to remember what the weather had been like in the last week and realized he had no idea ; like many city-dwellers he had moved from flat to car to office without registering any variation .
9 For a lord 's status was directly related to the size of following he could support , and the larger his entourage the more frequently he had to move from estate to estate to feed them .
10 We have moved from consensus to conflict in politics : have we moved in that direction , too , as regards our constitutional order , taking that to mean the broad principles underlying the way government is organised and power exercised ?
11 Additionally , there have been those employers who have moved from site to site , merely to enjoy the subsidies that come from siting ‘ new ’ jobs in areas of high unemployment , and have left as soon as the period of the subsidy has come to an end .
12 The middle classes , especially those in government service , have to move from place to place and so need continuity of curriculum .
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