Example sentences of "have try [to-vb] [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Second , although the government has tried to open up the supply side to competition , barriers to entry still exist both in terms of medical personnel and hospital construction .
2 Actually we were n't too happy with the back of the old barn , because although we 'd tried to plug up every hole in the stonework , it was still possible for a determined young owl to squeeze out here and there .
3 She , Claudia , would have to try to pick up the pieces , and that would n't be easy .
4 ‘ He says he ca n't remember exactly but he thinks he may have tried to pull out the knife .
5 Robert had tried to open up the subject of Hasan several times , but Mr Malik seemed far less concerned about him than he had been .
6 One of the students had tried to carry out a literature search during the summer , before coming on the course .
7 All these activities suddenly came to an end when Chiang Kai-shek broke with the Communists after the USSR had tried to take over the KMT .
8 Erm Joyce I think had had tried to drop out the things that were only relevant to individual officers out .
9 Perry 's manager Sally Dickinson said at one point Mr Glenn had tried to switch on a light to raise the alarm but had been threatened with violence .
10 Staff who had tried to buy out the company to keep it working say they 're devastated .
11 ‘ We are emerging from just about as difficult a period as I can remember in over 37 years in the business , but we are emerging with capital ratios still among the strongest of any of the world 's banks — ready and willing to lend for any viable purpose , and desperate for the chance to show both personal and corporate customers that the personal , flexible , friendly service which we have tried to give in the past and which I hope has given us the privilege of enjoying your company tonight — that same service is still very much on offer today . ’
12 Some countries have tried to slow down the exodus by insisting that players can not leave before a certain age , usually 28 , or until they have completed their national service .
13 To the west of the caravan sites , owners of caravans and beach huts have tried to close off an access road along the back of the sea defences .
14 VANDALS have tried to cut down the tree which has become a shrine to rock star Marc Bolan .
15 We have tried to sum up the fragments of information which we have for the last three centuries in our second chapter , ‘ Glimpses of a Lost History ’ .
16 I have tried to build up a repertoire that incorporates only pieces I can live with throughout an entire lifetime .
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