Example sentences of "have try [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rolle has to try to meet the linguistic challenge which faces any mystical writer : to define and point towards the nature of an experience which is in essence ineffable .
2 Nonetheless , this latter modification has been rejected ( Dearden and Rosenblood , 1980 ) and Dearden ( 1980 ) has tried to develop the multiple regression model by making the dependent variable more representative , and the independent variables more comprehensive .
3 The Shah himself has tried to have the British government curb the BBC .
4 It has tried to make the excellent support the Campaign offers more accessible to people all over Wales who are keen to improve their local environment .
5 He 'd tried to sell the Holy Relic , St Vladimir 's Cross .
6 I think we are all agreed that we should aim at keeping the moratorium in place , at least until the year 2000 — I wo n't go into the reasons for that choice — and that meanwhile we do n't necessarily have to try to resolve the ideological problems .
7 What responsibility does it have to try to influence the human outlook ?
8 Other boxers would have tried to cause the maximum damage , but Eubank calmly waited for the referee to do his job properly and stop the fight .
9 We 've tried to find the right combination of fluid proteins and … ’
10 He says : ‘ We 've tried to avoid the gorier aspects of hospital life , and focused instead on the doctor/patient relationship . ’
11 Then , drinking champagne with journalists , he flew home to a Teheran in which his supporters had tried to re-erect the toppled statues of his father .
12 Harris had wanted to get away from all that , and had tried to join the British Parachute Regiment , but they had turned him down .
13 He was there to explain to the court that he and the other officers had tried to control the Nazi leaders ' demands for gross reprisals for the deaths of the Germans in the Via Rassella .
14 A statement issued by the party noted that Saadeh had tried to persuade the Syrian government to support a postponement .
15 There was a large conservative establishment of senior Muslim divines in the territories , which had tried to fill the political vacuum in June 1967 .
16 I was remembering what my father had told me about other conquering heroes who had tried to attack the great bear .
17 But if he had tried to dupe the wily Bobby Anscombe as easily as the innocent Malcolm Harris , it was no wonder that he had come unstuck .
18 Workmen on the site had tried to catch the under-nourished dog , but had n't managed to get anywhere near her — they all thought that she must have been very badly abused because she was so terrified of people .
19 In designing the programme , we have tried to emphasise the vocational aspects of the core skills modules wherever possible .
20 Among the few who have tried to compare the two regions , French and Smith ( 1985 ) are concerned particularly with subpolar tundra , and Aleksandrova ( 1980 ) prescribes a simple geobotanical regional zoning that covers both polar and subpolar zones at both ends of the world .
21 Bryan Wilson ( 1970 ) has contributed some very useful sub-divisions of the sect category and various sociologists have tried to classify the new religions that have emerged during the second half of the present century in an attempt to find some order in the enormous variety of beliefs , practices and organisations that are manifested in these movements ( eg Beckford , 1985 ; Wallis , 1983 ) .
22 Some sociologists have tried to describe the general features of ‘ industrial society ’ or even ‘ modern society ’ , arguing that ‘ industry ’ imposes a special pattern on society and social institutions .
23 The study did not spring into being overnight of course , and for over a decade a number of community groups throughout Appalachia have tried to combat the worst excesses of a pattern of landownership which breeds power without responsibility .
24 I have tried to show the real gap between Labour and the Conservative party and Government on matters of law and order .
25 You have tried to start the offline integrity check using option 9.6.0 — Start Offline Integrity Check — and it is already running .
26 You have tried to start the offline integrity check using option 9.6.0 — Start Offline Integrity Check and it is already running .
27 In recent years governments , particularly the Conservatives in Britain , have tried to cut the Gordian knot by imposing cuts in state support and forcing the railways to adapt .
28 " In the Night Cafe I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green . "
29 In this essay I have tried to identify the principal responses of workers to the industrial situation as they experience it .
30 That is to say , all species have tried to convert the whole world in to themselves if they possibly can .
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