Example sentences of "have never [been] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That has never been seen as a constituent of self regulation , and I doubt whether any government would be willing to divert so many responsibilities already assigned to other existing bodies ( for example , the Medical Research Council and the Committee on Safety of Medicines ) — better qualified to carry them out — and concentrate them in the GMC alone under the sole control of the profession .
2 George has shown this to be a satisfactory option , reporting a five year survival of 80% , but this has never been compared in a randomised controlled trial with a treatment regimen .
3 It has never been listed in the Journal .
4 After all , if ‘ the system ’ really was bent upon the form of totalizing control that according to Foucault psychoanalysis , for example , enables , it is worth recalling that psychoanalysis has never been adopted by the state as such and that its activities remain confined to a few very limited districts in a handful of prosperous cities round the world .
5 Hannibal was also the object of some sort of pseudohistorical tale of which a papyrus has preserved a piece that as far as I know has never been connected with the oracle transmitted by Antisthenes .
6 Fortunately there are now many people who think this is wrong , and they do so mainly for the same reason , that is , because the ‘ god ’ spoken of has never been explained in a manner which they themselves can easily understand and believe in .
7 Although homoeopathy has been a part of the British National Health Service since its inception in 1948 , it has never been taught as an undergraduate subject in any of the medical schools in Britain .
8 What many fear is that , despite negotiated settlements ’ being fashionable in other parts of the world , the US will be more than happy to leave El Salvador to Arena , freeing it to step up aid to the Nicaraguan contras and removing , once and for all , any chance of success for the peace plan being negotiated by the five Central American presidents , which has never been supported by the US .
9 The subject of the computerisation of our family doctors ' practices has almost never been raised , and has never been raised as an individual subject for debate .
10 Mikhail Budyko , the most revered figure of Soviet climatology , has never been noted as a cold war warrior , but he has always been aware of the limitations imposed on the Soviet Union by its climate .
11 His words were prophetic , for as I write about it now I realize that it has never been repeated in the thirty-five years that have passed since then .
12 He has never been studied in a comprehensive exhibition in this country , although twenty-two oil paintings and fourteen works on paper were prominently included in ‘ The Essential Cubism ’ which Cooper curated , with Gary Tinterow , for the Tate Gallery in 1983 .
13 Charles has never been cast as a Good King in the nation-building mould of his contemporary Alfred of Wessex : he would surely not have minded — for he was a Frank , not a Frenchman .
14 This aspect of Jewish intellectual life has never been treated with the attention it deserves .
15 Now that has never been denied by the leader of that council , although he keeps on , it is not Thamesdown 's policy .
16 Many farmers still retained some milk for cheesemaking but regulations on the production and use of milk during the Second World War almost brought farmhouse production to a halt and it has never been resumed on an appreciable scale .
17 With the increasing array of modern pharmaceuticals which have been developed in the last forty years or so , the concept of treatment with opposites has once more dwarfed the concept of treatment with similars which has never been accepted by the medical establishment .
18 Yet democracy , both in ancient Greece and in the politics of the past two centuries , has never been achieved without a struggle , and that struggle has always been , in good part , a type of class struggle , even if it is very simply characterized , as it was by many Greeks , as a struggle of the many poor against the few who are rich and well-born .
19 His Oxfordshire-based Williams team are looking for their fifth consecutive Grand Prix win … a feat which has never been achieved in the history of the sport .
20 We have found the leaks , and we have connected all , we have reconnected all of the er supplies , including a supply to the cathedral field , which has never been billed in the past er because of erm damage to their meter , it 's only used twenty seven gallons but twenty seven litres , but whilst I 've been here , it 's a water meadow from the result of the water that we 've been supplying to that particular field .
21 It has never been doubted by the Tanzanian public that his aims were genuine , nor been considered that he sought to enrich himself .
22 Our partnership has never been aimed at a resourcing of the school in a material sense , but has focused on the educational experiences of students and their provision at the highest quality possible .
23 His swordsmanship is unequalled except perhaps by the Reiksmarshall Kurt Helborg — a match that has never been put to the test despite years of enmity between the two .
24 Miss C 's mother has never been told of the attack , because she was undergoing a series of operations at the time .
25 Milton has never been bothered by the constant turmoil of his worldwide travels .
26 Mr Brown said it was ‘ included only under the broadest heading — Treasury running costs — was never drawn to the attention of the Audit Office as a special feature and has never been investigated by the Audit Office , something which should now happen ’ .
27 The Bill is silent on an issue that , so far , has never been addressed in the House .
28 But in a letter to club secretary Peter Barnes , Sugar said : ‘ The board has never been familiarised with the terms Mr Ruddock refers to . ’
29 Poorly appreciated during his life and for many years after his death , this period of his work was reassessed by a touring exhibition sponsored by the Hayward Gallery in 1981 , but a substantial group of his later canvases has never been shown in the context of his whole development .
30 The idea that a local authority owes a fiduciary duty to its ratepayers is by no means new , but it has never been subjected to a thorough judicial investigation .
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