Example sentences of "have leave it [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Daddy has to leave it at the garage .
2 And it may be that the extent to which the bank has left it to the husband to procure the wife 's consent and to explain the transaction to her will be a critical feature of the case .
3 If we 'd left it to the day we 'd have been sunk !
4 I 'd left it to the end of the meal before I said anything about being arrested .
5 Well apparently it had gone to Andrew , and , Andrew had cos Andrew is n't in the office all the time , and he 'd left it in the office , and I think they faxed it by th Andrew was gon na talk to somebody about it , but of course , by the time he 'd got there , it 'd already been done and this had happened so I 'm gon na ring erm Job Centre when I get home .
6 But why do you have to leave it in the fridge ?
7 Here 's money for my meat ; I would have left it on the board , so soon As I had made my meal ; and parted With prayers for the provider
8 In washing her hands after breakfast she had taken off her wedding ring and must have left it on the side of the basin .
9 I must have left it off the hook this morning .
10 His own fault , he should have left it to the river police who had more experience of that sort of thing , but he had felt responsible .
11 ‘ I saw you struggling with it ; you should have left it in the Range Rover — I would have lifted it out for you . ’
12 How could I have left it in the car .
13 I said you might have left it in the car .
14 ‘ I 've lost my lighter and I thought I might have left it in the car the other day .
15 In fact , he was so eager to be off that he would have left it in the street if I had not insisted that he should take the coals to his mother . ’
16 In relation to the third charge , it was likewise clear that the bank could never have been said ‘ to have left it to the husband to obtain the signature of the wife ’ on the charge documents .
17 ‘ But I already have an assault charge hanging over me , so in the end I had to leave it to the stewards .
18 The thief had leapt into the Sierra after Janet had left it with the engine running .
19 What if Ben had left it with the man in Lancaster ?
20 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
21 The circumstance that the employer had left it to the contractor to provide the requisite third party security would not , without more , prevent the employer from enforcing the security .
22 Held , allowing the appeal , that , where a creditor knew that security was being taken for the benefit of a debtor from a surety who was likely to be influenced by and to have some degree of reliance on the debtor , the creditor should seek to ensure that unfair advantage was not taken of the surety ; that , if the creditor failed to do so and the surety 's consent to the transaction was procured by the debtor 's undue influence or material misrepresentation or the surety lacked an adequate understanding of the nature and effect of the transaction , the security would be unenforceable ; that the bank knew that the defendants were husband and wife and that the wife was being asked to provide security for the husband 's business and was likely to rely on his judgment , and they should have ensured that she understood the nature and effect of the document which she was asked to sign ; and that , since the bank had failed to do so and had left it to the husband to explain the transaction , so that as a result of the husband 's misrepresentation the wife entered into the charge on the misunderstanding that her liability was limited to £60,000 , they could not enforce the charge against the wife save to the extent of £60,000 ( post , pp. 620C–G , 622F — 623C , D–F , 635G — 636F ) .
23 If I had left it on the night flying path I would have had a serious rocket which I would not have forgotten as easily as I had forgotten the first one — from the wing commander flying .
24 He had left it on the passenger seat , where it lay , legs in the air , headless rump deep in the upholstery .
25 He had n't been in the lodge since Helena Naulls had left it on the death of her husband .
26 A circle of light illuminated the group gathered round the bank of screens ; another shone on the blue box , the battered structure that the Doctor call his TARDIS , standing where the androids had left it near the edge of the room .
27 Well I keep forgetting I 've I 've left it in the fridge !
28 ‘ I 've left it in the BMW , ’ said Rory , the humour directed at himself .
29 When I read the recipe it turned out I have to leave it in the fridge over night , so we ca n't have it
30 If you have n't done any business , you 've no income , so he 's left it in the pot , so he can draw another one thousand two hundred .
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