Example sentences of "have only [verb] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not an expert — I 've only lived there for a couple of years . ’
2 I 've only popped in for a few minutes .
3 " I 've only popped down for a cup of tea . "
4 She was ready now for the sight of the chair , the pipe , the feeling that her father had only popped out for a minute and would be back before she could leave .
5 We 've already seen how carefully planned customer flow can encourage the shopper to leave with a loaded basket when she had only popped in for a loaf of bread or a pint of milk .
6 In the second incident , involving the credit card , he had only gone along for the ride , and had not used the card himself , said Mr Harper .
7 After all , I had only come back for a day or two to buy some good German clothes .
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