Example sentences of "have now [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly noteworthy support came from the Joint Services Philatelic Consortium which has now raised £100,000 for the Appeal through the sale of philatelic covers .
2 Gencor has now lent weight to the ANC 's programme .
3 This is not , I think , meant to be ironical , and it represents a quite logical development from the premiss that the whole production , definition , and reception of literature has now become intramural to the academy .
4 The escudo has now joined sterling in the European exchange rate mechanism .
5 The old thatched tythe barn which stood end on to Silver Lane just below Manor Farm has now made way for a clutch of modern houses .
6 For example , and the General Secretary was giving examples yesterday so I 'm entitled to do one as well , for example , Islington Council , where a direct Labour organization that had successfully survived and grown through the worst of the Thatcher years and the worst of the Thatcher attack on public services has now fallen victim to a combination of a weak and corrupt Labour Council and an incompetent senior management .
7 If one can hazard one generalization from the responses to this question , it is that the early enthusiasm for undergraduate interdisciplinary ventures which was evident in the 1970s has now given way to a more ambivalent attitude , perhaps because the practical institutional and professional problems have become more evident , a view found also in the OECD ‘ Interdisciplinarity Revisited ’ report ( Levin and Lind 1985 ) .
8 Salt has received much bad publicity in recent years as a major contributory factor to heart disease , but the initial hysteria has now given way to the theory that salt in quantity will only be to the detriment of those people prone to heart disease from other causes .
9 It is a ‘ dressed ’ look ; old jeans and misshapen tee-shirts have absolutely no place here ; neither , anymore , does the archetypal Keegan perm and glam-rock hairstyle of the seventies , which has now given way to the smoothly sculpted cut with every hair in its layered place .
10 The Board of Education has now given effect to the intimation conveyed by Mr. Acland and vaguely announced by him at the Annual meeting .
11 The Government has now introduced changes to the rules for the backpayment of social security benefits ( see Information Circular , May 1991 ) .
12 A firm of Worcester solicitors has taken up their cause , and has now issued writs against the C&G .
13 IF accusations of bungling the economy and his personal finances were not enough , Norman Lamont has now ruffled feathers in the bird world .
14 We have today received a letter , copy enclosed , from our Agent in which he explains that the tenant has now offered £24,000 for the cottage which she occupies , but on condition that the bedroom which has the ‘ flying freehold ’ is returned to her cottage .
15 A major advantage of using simulated driving is that the previous study has now provided estimates of the subjective risk subjects are likely to experience when viewing the films .
16 Applix has now established offices in the UK at Reading in Berkshire , and a French office in Paris .
17 Applix has now established offices in the UK at Reading in Berkshire , and a French office in Paris .
18 Accordingly , the court had now assumed responsibility for the welfare of the girl and the Official Solicitor had become her legal guardian .
19 Worthless character had now run foul of the law and was willing to take one final payment , enough to get him out of the State , and out of her life for ever .
20 So you , you 've now become secretary of the Northumberland Liaison Group .
21 We 've now got carpets on the floor and curtains on the windows .
22 MPs have now completed work on the Bill drafted by Parents against Tobacco to prevent the sale of cigarettes to children .
23 1816 " The meeting have now to relieve Shawfield of the sums now payble. to the Schools in Islay , charge themselves with the said sum , as a provision for four Schoolmasters , at the rate of £16:13:4 Sterl. to each . "
24 Last term 's fund-raising efforts have now raised £1,048 for the Leukaemia Research Fund — and two sacks of old postage stamps have been sent off to the Blue Peter Appeal in aid of Romanian children .
25 Units such as ‘ The Yes/No Contest ’ in Connections have now become classics of the EFL classroom and will actively involve students in learning .
26 We have now invested £150m in an ambitious upgrading programme of our brewery at St James 's Gate in Dublin .
27 Add to this friends of members for some of the other academic subjects ; a young member with a ( growing ) knowledge of antiquarian books ; members versed in music , gardening and the domestic arts ; and of course our own 2 experts , who have now gained reputations in the field of religious books and ephemera .
28 Recent studies from the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food ( MAFF ) have now seen evidence of the migration of dioxins from chlorine bleached milk cartons into milk after a period of storage .
29 If we pause briefly and attempt to list the possible reasons why an individual or a family might have needed parish relief in the late 18th and early 19th centuries — sickness , unemployment , the needs of one-parent families or of orphans or young children , support in times of local or national economic crisis , old age — then we have now found Titfords in every category .
30 But , police say , they have now taken charge of the film , as part of an intense investigation .
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