Example sentences of "have not [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
2 The petition can be signed by the parliamentary agent himself , and this is of value because last-minute instructions are frequently received , and I have known cases where the client has not even seen the petition until after it was deposited , although he has of course cleared the content by telephone .
3 The reform program has not even raised the subject of the ultimate right of the party to control society .
4 Moreover , there is the likelihood that the experimenter has not even considered the possibility of such unintended effects on his subjects ' responses . ’
5 Airtours THE WORLD IN ITS LAP Rumours of a price war are unlikely to take the wind out of the sails of a tour operator that has not just weathered the recession and the downturn in travel caused by the Gulf war , but increased market share as well
6 If the paper takes the reapplied wash differently than the original one , this is an indication that the sizing has not thoroughly penetrated the papers ' fibres .
7 In assessing the effect of an anti-pain therapy , it is obviously important but difficult to be certain that the treatment has not simply prevented the animal from displaying the sign .
8 Brook has not simply plonked the cameras in front of his original production : he has re-conceived it in filmic terms , making obvious concessions to cinematic literalism while retaining the sense of wonder .
9 No man should lead up it who has not already explored the ground from above . ’
10 Anyone who comes to that debate mithering about standing up instead of sitting down or worried about the fate of Aldershot Football Club should be excluded on the grounds that he has not yet understood the difference between the future and tomorrow .
11 ELIMINATING the negative has not yet done the trick for Labour .
12 So the book , or one of the books , which Eliot wanted me to write has not yet seen the light of day .
13 The Swiss Government has also submitted its application for membership , but has not yet received the assent in the referendum which it requires for this application to go forward formally .
14 Ironically , of the states that border the South Atlantic , only Argentina has not yet ratified the Treaty .
15 He asked me to tell you that the government has not yet sent the compensation .
16 Until now the race has been organised as part of the larger Middlesbrough Festival , but the council has not yet determined the date of that event .
17 In the pipeline is a Draft Ninth Company Law Directive , which has not yet reached the stage of a formal proposal and indeed has not progressed since 1985 .
18 I know of my hon. Friend 's interest in the matter , following the report of the Select Committee on Employment , and I can give an assurance that if the consultants ' report to which I referred has not yet reached the Department of Employment , it will do so as soon as possible .
19 The most obvious reason for this is that neuro-science has not yet reached the point where it is possible to describe language as a direct manifestation of underlying physiological of neurological states .
20 ASSESSMENT/ — indicates whether the given user has accepted , rejected or has not yet assessed the DC .
21 Note that if the user has not yet assessed the DC only the MODULES field in this structure will contain valid information .
22 NOT ASSESSED the user has not yet assessed the DC .
23 If the user has not yet assessed the DC , a message to this effect will be displayed at the foot of the page .
24 European policy has not yet recaptured the attention of Mr Bush , still preoccupied with the Gulf .
25 But the fact of the matter is , he wrote , that none of it is right , or rather , that what has so far been accomplished is wrong and what has not yet been accomplished is only right because it has not yet had the chance to be proved wrong .
26 The party has been placed in the impossible position of choosing a leader to fight the next election when it has not yet had the opportunity to discuss why it lost the last one .
27 At the end of your editorial ( ‘ Starting again ’ , 17 April ) you make the point that the Labour Party has not yet had the opportunity to discuss why it lost the recent election and this is a good reason to put back the choice of a new leader .
28 In some Peel Park and Torness departments , for instance , TOP has not yet had the impact required to bring the programme up to the standard achieved at Hunterston .
29 When Charles Kingsley discovers in chapter 6 of Alton Locke ( 1850 ) that he has not yet described the home , entered in chapter 2 , of his eccentric bookseller , Sandy Mackaye , he is quick to repair the omission which he regards as ‘ unpardonable , in these days of Dutch painting and Boz ’ .
30 Mr Boris Yeltsin , the president of Russia , may have won the battle , but he has not yet won the war he has been fighting for more than half a year with the Congress of People 's Deputies .
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