Example sentences of "have be do [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the Committee and Department 's work has been done through joint bodies such as the JCT and the NJCC , CIC and BPIC , and the Architect 's Council of Europe , and this collaborative activity is expected to grown .
2 It will certainly not be possible to totally reconstruct all the streets of an area at a cost of up to DM 1 million/100m as has been done for single streets in the past ’
3 This comment is correct if the bleaching has been done with oxalic acid .
4 Some of his biology is not too sound ; his statement that the gulls of the northern hemisphere may be exceptional — ‘ In the majority of species such gradual variation is not seen , and all the members are equally interfertile ’ — seems based on a plentiful lack of knowledge of the work that has been done on geographical variation in many groups of animals , including birds .
5 It has been extensively investigated for large mammals ( Brain , 1958 , 1974 , 1981 ; Voorhies , 1969 ; Sutcliff , 1970 ; Behrensmeyer , 1975 ; Klein , 1975 ; Hill , 1975 ; Shipman , 1977 , 1983a ; Behrensmeyer & Hill , 1980 ; Binford , 1981 ) , but little work has been done on small mammals .
6 Extensive numerical work has been done on turbulent flows .
7 ‘ I believe the importance of genetic influences has been diminished in the amount of work that has been done on environmental influences .
8 Little sociological work has been done on Scottish agriculture ; hardly any of it on large-scale capitalist agriculture which would permit comparisons with English , Canadian and American investigations .
9 What is surprising is that so few feminist researchers in the sociology of education have chosen to look at higher education , when so much work has been done on secondary education and , to a lesser extent , on primary education .
10 Follow up geophysical work has been done at selected sites to assess what water resources are actually present .
11 Most of this research so far has been done by private companies ( mostly American ) .
12 Sometimes this seemed indicated , as when he told the legislature they must beware ‘ When we are freeing ourselves from one form of imperialism [ against those who would ] … bind us to another one which would swiftly undo all the work that has been done in recent years to foster … a free and independent nation ’ ; ‘ As we would not have British masters , so we would not have Russian masters . ’
13 Much has been done in recent months to draw those matters to the attention of the Department and , as I said , I believe that Ministers have been listening .
14 Is he aware of the work that the Scottish Knitwear Council has been doing with departmental officials showing that in 1990 a total of 123,000 knitted garments in cashmere coming from China were dumped over the quota agreed ?
15 Yeah , I mean , it could have been done with real honesty , but
16 Had he not opened his mouth , he would have been done for dumb insolence .
17 Yes but what you saw er in that clip just now , erm would n't have been done by cruel methods , I can assure you of that .
18 Henry Parris , tutor-organiser for Northamptonshire who had previously served in a similar capacity in Yorkshire North District , also acknowledged that most of his organising work could have been done by voluntary members , given the time and opportunity to travel around the county .
19 ‘ All this could have been done in commercial machinery shops , but it would have cost a fortune , ’ he says .
20 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musical flaws .
21 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musi cal flaws .
22 In the UK little work of any description seems to have been done on human behaviour in the aftermath of releases of hazardous substances , nor is much available on public attitudes to emergency planning .
23 The apartment 's previous owners had hired an expensive interior designer from New York and ordered her to trick out the rooms in a horse-country olde-English Spy-Cartoons look , which had been done to extravagant perfection , but McIllvanney was none of those things .
24 Angry though the prince was about this , he was still trying to repair the damage which had been done to Russo-Bulgarian relations when Roumelian irredentists took the game out of his hands .
25 The Platform began by acknowledging the damage that had been done to national relations by the repression of the Stalinist years and by later attempts to accelerate convergence on the basis of an allegedly full and final resolution of the national question .
26 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
27 ( There were even reports of some of them being sent to bases in Iran well away from Allied bombing , much as had been done with civil aircraft in Amman in the 1980s . )
28 Well obviously there is change and one of the things that we 've been doing for International Women 's celebrations during March , because we 're having a whole month of activities , is
29 So System Ten is the culmination of several years of work that we 've been doing with other hardware and software vendors but most importantly with our customers .
30 Experiments have been done with imposed wavenumbers outside this range , and some interesting instabilities observed by which the wavenumber adjusts to a stable value .
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