Example sentences of "have be [verb] [adj] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The brutal ejection of Gandhi on to a station platform in South Africa has been made famous by Sir Richard Attenborough 's film .
2 It has been made possible by improvements in communication and organizational efficiency .
3 Consumer targeting has been made possible by developments in demographics and statistics , and Information Technology applications in these areas .
4 ‘ Nubia : Ancient Kingdoms of Africa ’ has been made possible by NYNEX and New England Telephone .
5 Life in general has been made wonderful by Linda , whatever words I say …
6 Most are washed away by rainstorms or floods , but thousands have survived and become preserved in ossified rock , to reappear when the ground has been split open by paleontologists or the weather .
7 A TEARFUL Gwent schoolboy has been left heartbroken by thugs who tortured his pet Siamese cat to death .
8 Freud 's thought is , at this point , at the very general level of the human species ' evolutionary development , and it has been left undeveloped by analysts who have been preoccupied with individuals , even though there is only the hope of some alleviation of their troubles , given Freud 's own analysis of civilization .
9 ‘ He clearly has been sold short by God . ’
10 Elinor twisted and swayed and twirled , her blue eyes blazing , the wick having been set afire by Aunt Bedelia .
11 I do so in the knowledge that the fundamental question appears to have been left open by Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in In re T. ( Adult : Refusal of Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] 3 W.L.R. 782 , and in the knowledge that there is no English authority which is directly in point .
12 They ran back and found Alice had been struck dead by lighting .
13 On the evidence before the learned judge , it was plain that Wickes had been trading on Sundays and intended to continue doing so in the future unless restrained by the court ; and it was common ground between the parties that Wickes ' Sunday trading was in breach of section 47 unless that section had been rendered ineffective by article 30 of the Treaty .
14 The house had seemed less threatening in the cold light of day , and it became obvious that a pretty establishment had been rendered hideous by neglect .
15 Claiming that the climate for the talks had been rendered unsuitable by Team Spirit , the North also cited other factors including the South 's co-operation with the coalition forces in the Gulf war and the suppression of anti-government protests in the South .
16 Harry looked round desperately for the O'Hanlons to assist him , but the O'Hanlons had fainted at the very outset and had been dragged clear by Ram , who was now trying to fan them back to consciousness with a copy of the Illustrated London News .
17 Its provision could no longer be ignored by government and left wholly to private charity , particularly as legislation had made public funds available for the education of hearing children from 1832 , and their education had been made compulsory by law in 1876 .
18 Witnesses , however , claimed that the six had been shot dead by security forces .
19 In October it was reported that Max Veillard , a French mercenary and adviser to Taki wanted for his part in the August coup attempt , had been shot dead by police .
20 She had been kept alive by means of a feeding tube , which was disconnected following the court 's decision , and she died on Dec. 26 .
21 With the return of constraint she put a hand to her fluttering bosom and discovered that several hooks on her bodice had come loose — No , had been torn loose by Benedict 's hand !
22 This time poor old Simpson had been caught off-balance by events and had sounded distinctly agitated on the telephone .
23 One in six patients in hospital in Britain are there because they 've been made ill by doctors .
24 Three protestors supporting President Gamsakhurdia have been shot dead by gunmen in Tblisi .
25 The two houses have been made safe by council workmen , but Cherwell District 's chief Housing Officer says it will be 4 months before they 're habitable again .
26 Main picture Flagstones in the hall have been worn smooth by years of hobnail boots .
27 The implications of Moses and Monotheism are far-reaching , and have been left undeveloped by psychoanalysts .
28 The remaining monuments have been cracked open by undergrowth or assaulted by time and neglect .
29 Several residents have reported that their milk bottles have been torn open by birds .
30 Many of these campaigns have been deemed successful by UNESCO 's own criteria .
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