Example sentences of "have be [verb] to [adj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 An invitation has been extended to all staff to take their families or clubs and organisations on Come & See tours of the power stations : details from tel ; at Peel Park or Training , Visits & welfare offices at the power stations .
2 The APT has been applied to British data by Diacogiannis , ; who used 302 monthly observations for 200 securities between November 1956 and December 1981 .
3 In an attempt to deter miners from returning , the airspace over the Yanomami reserve has been closed to private aircraft by the Brazilian air force and a radar system has been installed in Boa Vista , the state capital , to monitor violations .
4 If the information has been divulged to sufficient people so that it can be said to be no longer confidential , an injunction will not be of any help ; it would be like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .
5 The ‘ relevant ’ skills learned concern the ability to plan projects , to apply mathematics as and when appropriate , to sustain work on them until some conclusion is reached and to communicate what has been learned to other people .
6 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
7 We were given tasks , but then the tasks had been given to certain people like yourself , starting to want to do the other things , that other people were doing , and then everybody wanted to do instead of doing the tasks that they were set .
8 Just a few days before the launch the original pilot , Ken Mattingy , had been exposed to German measles and was found to have no immunity , He was replaced by his backup , Jack Swigert , who managed just two days prime-crew training before leaving for the Moon !
9 When I was in Rapeman , I ca n't say it really surprised me because I had been exposed to English people before , but I did n't think that people were being serious initially .
10 Livestock in the area had been closely monitored but little attention had been paid to wild fowl .
11 I 've been tied to older people , my father … riveted to him .
12 All direct European sales operations have been re-directed to corporate headquarters under the charge of Neil McNeil — formerly international marketing manager for the Middle East .
13 At Bikini shallow water reef limestones have been proved to 780 m ( approx. 2 600 ft ) , while the least depth of the volcanic basement is 1 600 m ( approx. 5 300 ft ) .
14 When various media types and units are being used , particularly if primary and secondary media items have been forced to different media types , a unit which is only able to handle secondary items will attempt to do so in order to contribute to the workload .
15 New telephone numbers have been issued to all staff , but a few main enquiry numbers will be retained and calls on the old numbers will be transferred to the new building for the first couple of months .
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