Example sentences of "have in [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Anthropology has in fact developed as the science of the evolution of human society and many early anthropological works take the form of natural histories of mankind .
2 The gap between mortality rates for the two groups has in fact widened since the 1930s , when the rates were 10 per cent below the average for professional and managerial workers , and 11 per cent above for unskilled workers .
3 A fortiori , a person is not to be regarded as acting dishonestly if he appropriates another 's property believing that with full knowledge of the circumstances that other person has in fact agreed to the appropriation .
4 If the tenant 's death is untimely , that is to say within one year of the date of the letting , there is no reason why the potential successor should lose his home if he has in fact resided with the tenant for 12 months .
5 This has in fact occurred in the advanced capitalist countries , and one main consequence has been to limit industrial conflict primarily to economic issues , as against larger issues of the control of the enterprise , and to bring about a substantial degree of integration of workers into the existing mode of production .
6 Since 1945 the government has in effect alternated between the Labour and Conservative parties , the present Conservative administration headed by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher having been formed in 1979 and re-elected in 1983 and 1987 [ see pp. 29645 ; 32262 ; 35269 ] .
7 But tell me … who did you have in mind to look after the Project ?
8 Babies were not the only people whose rights were being demanded at the end of the Second World War ; other groups , too , submerged in anonymous poverty through years of unemployment , had in wartime received for the first time their fair share both of work and of food , and were now making it clear that neither malnutrition nor the grinding degradation of worklessness could any longer be tolerated by the ‘ lower classes ’ of the victorious nations .
9 That confiture d'oignons , for instance , for which the recipe appeared in Michel Guérard 's Cuisine Gourmande and which has since made the tour du monde surely derived from Pomiane 's dish of sweet-sour onions in which the sweetening elements were sultanas and pain d " épices , the spiced honey cake of central Europe , and which Pomiane had in turn borrowed from the Jewish cookery of his native Poland .
10 Tindle had in fact recognised in the flattened-out planks a standard trick whereby the decorative nature of the composition is reinforced .
11 A commission of enquiry confirmed this assessment , and the Governor was withdrawn , though his period of service had in fact ended in the winter of 60/61 , so Tacitus would appear to magnify a grievance to make a political point in favour of his hero whose memoirs he may have used for his Annals .
12 Imagine the horror on my beloved 's face when he discovered I had in fact flung in the rubbish his much prized and read collection of Guitarist magazines !
13 Since the introduction of through working on the main line in 1926 , cars on the Thornton Heath service had shown the destination ‘ Greyhound ’ as their southern terminus , but had in fact reversed at the Davis Theatre ( a large cinema ) a little further down the High Street , near South End .
14 But the next day Mr Clarke insisted that nothing had in fact changed from the NHS White Paper because it had not talked of cash limits , only of firm budgets .
15 The long list of townships claimed for disafforestment had in fact remained in the Forest since the beginning of Henry III 's personal rule , and had been acknowledged and treated as such by judges and juries at successive Forest Eyres .
16 In the case of purely generic goods , if the particular goods which the seller had in mind to supply had in fact perished at the time of the contract this would not make it impossible for him to perform the contract .
17 He had occasion to stop the vehicle which was being driven by Mr and he noted that the excise licence which was being displayed had in fact expired at the end of March .
18 So down the wide staircase she goes , past the oak chest with its bowl of white roses on the half-landing , past the Albers squares , past the dim varnished portrait of a full-bosomed crimson gowned pearl-decked eighteenth-century woman who some take to be an ancestor , though she had in fact come with the house , down through the black and white tiled hall with its marble and gilt claw-legged table strewn with Christmas cards , gloves , and glossy free advertising magazines , and into the broad high first floor drawing-room , where sat Charles , drinking a gin and tonic , which she had expected , and talking to Esther and Alix , which she had not .
19 Furthermore , they doubted whether the new , austere Protestant beliefs had in fact appealed to the laity , suggesting instead that Protestantism proved highly unpopular and was only imposed on the English people through force , by means of a government-sponsored process which met with great difficulties , and was only completed late in Elizabeth I 's reign .
20 It is evident that the tourist whom railway companies , hotels and guide-books had in mind belonged to the comfortably-off middle classes .
21 He needed a minister with the strength of character , reforming zeal and awareness of technological opportunities to push through the changes in Defence policy that he had in mind to help in the consolidation of his political power .
22 It is all a matter of degree , of course , and much may depend on what communications have in fact passed between the persons concerned .
23 Then , by what actually occurs , you will be able to confirm that you have in fact turned in the right direction to reach your track .
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