Example sentences of "in her [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As Charlotte Hohn remarked ( in her address to the 1987 European Population Conference ) , modern cities are not ‘ kinder-freundlich ’ .
2 Yes , the Government 's sending armaments to help Poland in her fight against the Soviet , but I ca n't for the life of me see what that 's got to do with you ! ’
3 Hilton warns her not to skimp these obligatory verbal prayers in her enthusiasm for the new contemplation .
4 LABOUR MP Glenda Jackson was at the centre of a political row last night after it was discovered that forged proxy votes were used in her constituency during the General Election .
5 Belinda Jones , ’ the owner of the name said simply , and waited while Dr Russell 's sister seemed to fully take in her presence for the first time .
6 Where the SPRU team takes us at a brisk trot through the literature , Jan Zimmerman adopts more of a wild canter in her survey of the likely effects on women of a range of new technologies , in a piece that makes up in polemic what it lacks in argument .
7 Because she knew he would be meeting her at the road alone , she had risen very early and bathed and scented herself with special care in her suite at the Continental Palace that morning .
8 In her reading about the Sistine Chapel , we can imagine our friend using a rule of thumb to distinguish what was helpful to her .
9 Rory led the way to the disco floor , all too aware of the speculative glances slid in her direction from the other dancers , yet aware too of a peculiar little thrill of pride as she caught the envious looks in the eyes of the other women .
10 She had been utterly secure in her position as the only girl in the Wilson family and now there was another one .
11 Elizabeth Kell made it clear in her evidence to the 1871 Royal Commission that she believed only ‘ moral measures ’ , carried out by ‘ voluntary effort ’ rather than the state , could achieve lasting reform.88 She countered medical arguments that repealers were not concerned with remedial measures by outlining her own moralizing schemes for reclaiming prostitutes in Southampton .
12 Jackson also employs both harmonious and dissonant colour choices leading the viewer to discover her own subjectivity in her response to the various combinations .
13 She had only a squatter 's title to the land , but after her death this was legally registered in her name by the local authority , and it was sold so that they could recover the money which she owed them . "
14 She slipped in her relationship to the new mistress with a mixture of satisfaction and gloom .
15 She persisted in her relationship with the new recipe book ; the kitchen at Greystones was filled with strange aromas .
16 If she 'd relaxed in her skin after the hot work over the kiln , she had n't flaunted it ; not till that moment , and even then , had she been clothed , the smile might have signified no more than amused affection .
17 However , there had been some deterioration in her mood over the previous 2 days .
18 The superintendent started eating hers as soon as they had turned out of Chester Row , peeling back the clingfilm with one hand while shuffling through the sheaf of papers she held in her lap with the other : formal , typewritten statements from people at TV London who had something relevant to say about Nicola Sharpe .
19 Mrs Beveridge cared for Leanne 's two children in her home for the first 24 hours of the siege .
20 Was she hearing , in the gentle wind , eddying along the purpling coastline , the ghost lamentations of the thousands of sgitheanachs that had ended up against their will in her country over the Big Water ?
21 Whatever the verdict on her previous achievements , the decline in her performance over the past 15 years has been marked and far-reaching .
22 Lost in her condemnation of the two young men at the table , she had not heard him come in .
23 In her work on the National Health Service , Stewart ( 1989b ) produces a similar list :
24 But when she repeats the movement in her dance with the Young Man , it appears in a different context , that of awakening love .
25 Lest anyone object to non-British sources , I should add that Dame Mary , in her foreword to the Interim Licensing Authority 's Fourth Report ( 1989 ) , wrote of ‘ known obstetric and paediatric hazards ’ of multiple birth , saying ‘ we are very worried over the 1987 figures ’ associated with IVF and GIFT .
26 Several hours later Paige sat back in her window-seat on the small jet and tried to relax .
27 Alone in her garden with the sleeping Scarlet , Constance poured herself another drink .
28 Dancer , however , was warned well in advance that Miss Lodsworth would be holding an All-Rutshire Jamboree in her garden on the first Saturday in September and had promised there would be no stick and balling that afternoon .
29 When Gran died , she laid in her coffin in the front room prior to the funeral .
30 Victoria napped in her cage beside the blossoming geranium .
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