Example sentences of "in the [noun] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While under Polish rule , the Orthodox hierarchy in the Ukraine had been able to resist the spread of Catholic influence only by adopting many of the methods and some of the ideas characteristic of the Counter-Reformation .
2 The course team , headed by the Course Co-ordinator , maintains that involvement in the course has been exciting , incredibly demanding , sometimes excessively demoralising but in summation , a most rewarding experience .
3 The changes since he first began working in the service had been radical , to say the least .
4 The floors of the sheds in the quarry had been bare boards or stamped earth .
5 He said that only a couple of other booksellers in the country had been brave enough to ignore the letters .
6 Her last bathroom back in the squat had been mouldy , iced-up in winter , and mostly decorated with the husks of dead bugs in spiderwebs .
7 This view is espoused by Myers ( 1986 ) , who believes that deforestation in the Himalaya has been responsible for flood disasters in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra and the higher incidence of flooding that has occurred since 1940 ; apparently flooding now affects some 10 6 ha of land as compared with 6 × 10 6 ha in the early 1950s .
8 However , there have been times in the recent past when 50 per cent of the artists selling and succeeding in the USA have been British .
9 An electoral alliance , the Nationalist Action for Peace ( Acción Nacionalista por la Paz ) , was unexpectedly announced on Feb 7 by Carlos Pizarro Leóngómez , leader of the left-wing guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , and José Joaquín Matallana , a former Army general who as Director of the Department for the Administration of Security ( DAS ) in the mid-1970s had been responsible for combating the activities of the M-19 and other guerrilla groups .
10 • Sales of Scotch Whisky in the UK have been depressed — falling by almost 6% during 1992 and by 30% since 1979 .
11 A recent report by stockbrokers UBS Phillips and Drew ( 1992 ) draws attention to this factor , suggesting that actual rates of depreciation of capital in the UK have been well in excess of official assumptions as to rates of depreciation , aided by an overvalued exchange rate .
12 Firms in the UK have been able to repurchase their shares since the 1981 Companies Act , provided that shareholders are willing to sell and that the firm is left with some issue of share capital following the repurchase .
13 The growth of venture capital funds in the UK has been substantial in the 1980s and is the result of a number of factors .
14 But the only obvious truth of this kind in the UK has been that foreign supply creates domestic demand , the measure of which is import penetration .
15 All Factor VIII now supplied in the UK has been heat-treated to kill the virus .
16 For example , we all know that productivity growth in the UK has been inferior to West Germany 's over the post-war decades ; that product development has been behind that of Japan ; and that over many years the rates of growth of South Korea , Italy and East Germany were higher than the United Kingdom 's .
17 This fairy castle in the clouds has been asleep for a hundred years and the briars are beginning to take over .
18 All the houses in the village had been small single-storey homes , perhaps only four square metres in area .
19 The feeling in the backswing has been one of turning the back to the target , and hopefully with a feeling that the right hand is going to generate power through impact .
20 The merchandising bonanza in the US has been one of the biggest ever connected with a Hollywood film .
21 Since gaining a scholarship at Stanford University , his progress in the US has been impressive .
22 He said : ‘ Up to now , the Irish-American lobby in the US has been unfocused and largely impotent in relation to the Anglo-Irish conflict .
23 The pot of face relations in the US has been simmering and bubbling furiously , until it finally boiled over and hit the burner .
24 SALES of nursing and residential care home in the south have been buoyant last year , according to national business agent , Christie and Co .
25 But even as the mainstream has turned on to S&M images , those involved in the scene have been subject to increased harassment from the authorities .
26 How far laymen would have disapproved of his behaviour is another matter , for concubinage of a type whereby a married man could also have a relationship with a woman who had a recognised position and whose children might share in the inheritance had been common among Germanic peoples , and may still have existed in England in Cnut 's day .
27 Many children in the school have been ill , and your daughter Maria …
28 Our recent record in the cups has been bad … but you look back — it always has been !
29 Nor did he deny — how could he ? — that the Church in the past had been preoccupied , not to say obsessed , with rooting out errors .
30 Wheeler , who in the past had been unprepared for much in life , was not leaving placement to chance .
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