Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the more extreme Whigs in the Convention pressed for the removal of the sacramental tests for office-holders as provided for under the Corporation Act and Test Acts .
2 At that moment the bell in the corridor sounded for the end of class .
3 Historians can point to the philosophical views which underlay this ambition , and artists and sculptors were in various ways affected by the demonstration of its realisation in the theatre built for the composer at Bayreuth .
4 Education is a huge business ; there can be no doubt that educational achievement in the country suffers for the want of a common vision for it .
5 The school secretary was looking for other jobs to supplement her pay packet , there was n't enough money in the budget to pay for the books to teach the new curriculum , tests for seven-year-olds were bringing their own problems .
6 There is , for example , the familiar reference to ‘ playing at Creag ’ ( i.e. Creag-et ) in the wardrobe accounts for the first English Prince of Wales for March 1300 .
7 The thunder was continuous and the heavens opened up so , nowhere to go , we were huddled in the tent waiting for the river to rise .
8 I stood in the kitchen waiting for the water to heat up with a distinct feeling of eco-smugness .
9 The purchaser and vendor will need to negotiate how the assumption of debtors and creditors is to be reflected in the price paid for the business .
10 And yes , a district general manager should 've resigned because he had an interest in the decision to go for the Trust status .
11 Will he mount a campaign to ensure that every citizen in the land registers for a vote — especially so that those votes can be cast in the general election ?
12 The noise in the taproom stilled for a moment , even the farmers in the corner drunkenly arguing about the price of wheat ; two harridans from the town shrieking at each other over an upturned barrel ; and a group of young bloods , garishly dressed in costly silks , noisily roistering before a night out on the town .
13 The Liberal Democrats , in apparent decline , were in the meantime searching for a more catchy slogan .
14 I advised him in the meantime to send for the leaders of the other two parties & have them report position from their points of view .
15 I advised him in the meantime to send for the leaders of the other two parties and have them report position from their points of view .
16 Was biochemical oxygen demand ( the amount of oxygen in the water needed for the aerobic decomposition of sewage plant effluent ) no greater than 8 mg/litre ?
17 A brief , and perhaps unduly euphoric historical note , probably written by J.G. Wright ( then professor designate of surgery ) was included in the brochure prepared for the opening of the present buildings in Camden Town by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937 .
18 When the government originally announced that Rico Toro would replace Col. Lucio Añez Rivera at the FELCN there were protests in the Congress ; Rico Toro had been the chief of army intelligence in the 1980-81 government of Gen. Luís García Meza , notorious for its involvement with the country 's large-scale organized drug trade ; moreover , he had in the past argued for the legalization of the coca industry .
19 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
20 Television dollars have in the past paid for the rising salaries but today 's bidders seem determined to pay less than the $1.45 billion CBS and ESPN bid in winning the current four-year deal for network and cable rights .
21 But we still have to train people to be able to cook under any conditions — a young soldier can often find himself on his own in the field cooking for a given number of people .
22 So , on a 4 x 4 , unless the vehicle has a differential in the gearbox to allow for the different rotations of the front and rear propshafts , the transmission will ‘ wind itself up ’ .
23 This broad spectrum of interests is reflected in the material acquired for the Library by the department .
24 While this pattern was reproduced only imperfectly in the ECSC and while a timetable of functional spillover might have taken an unconscionable time to achieve , what in the end counted for the ECSC was that it did provide an atmosphere of mutual confidence among the leaders of the member states — despite the disputes , none contemplated leaving the Community — and that this helped to pave the way for the creating of the European Economic Community in 1957 .
25 The hon. Gentleman was far more brave than the hon. Member for Torridge and Devon , West ( Miss Nicholson ) who has adopted the role of reading out central office briefs in the House to apologise for the Conservative party .
26 In this case we must not only win the vote but we must have a hundred MPs in the House to vote for the closure .
27 The initial public response to the outbreak of war was an upsurge of patriotic fervour , at any rate among the middle and upper classes : the Kadet leadership in the Duma called for a political truce and national unity against the common enemy .
28 Her car was still in the garage waiting for a visit from the insurance assessor before work could start on it , but she did n't need it to get into town .
29 Later I was wakened by someone else in the room fumbling for the light switch .
30 A voice in the crowd calls for the mellow ‘ Indian Chief ’ ( Stevie 's dedication to his father ) so they play it , impromptu .
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