Example sentences of "a [noun sg] call [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It formed a ridge called a terminal moraine .
2 At this time , a singularity called the big bang , the density of the universe and the curvature of space-time would have been infinite .
3 In 1920 he was back in the West End in a play called The White Man .
4 Modesty Blaise had lived in a penthouse , and Travis McGee lived on a boat called the Busted Flush .
5 Got a club called the Big Bamboo on Wulff Road .
6 In Spain , the party still propounding old-fashioned socialist policies — a coalition called the United Left , not the Socialist Party itself — is tearing itself acrimoniously apart .
7 In fact , the next paper I sent him was called , if I remember rightly , ‘ The Poet — the Public — the Faith ’ , and I had dispatched it to a review called The Green Quarterly , the only recollection of which I have is that it was quarterly and that it was green .
8 A representative from Channel 7 visited this office in September with the same story as your article described , following a very aggressive sales pitch during a telephone call the previous week from the UK .
9 ‘ Well , I work with a publication called the New Internationalist . ’
10 He took them by a tortuous route to a pub called The Black Dog , which made a change from horses and pookas , until she recollected uneasily that a black dog was one of the devil 's traditional earthly disguises .
11 Poor old Pengam Moors , the one-time Cardiff Airport which was originally known by the curious name of Splott , is also extinct and remembered only by a pub called The Old Airport .
12 It was in part to answer these questions that the California State Legislature in the Autumn of 1976 passed a law called the Natural Death Act .
13 The heart of the Swaledale mining field is a vein called the Friarfold Vein running from the neighbourhood of Keld across to Arkengarthdale .
14 A quantity called the Gaussian curvature quantifies the local curvature of any two-dimensional surface and can be generalized in the case of higher dimensions .
15 A quantity called the covariant derivative can be formed by dividing this change by the path length between P and P ’ and taking the limit as i.e. .
16 ‘ How in the mountains of Palestine live a secret sect of infidels called the Assassins , ruled by a chieftain called the Old Man of the Mountain .
17 In pressing for cutbacks , Nik Powell also urged Draper to drop a group called the Human League from the roster .
18 Against them are ranged just about everyone else with a flavour of Unix — including IBM , which has AIX — in a group called the Open Software Foundation .
19 MCI Communications Corp has been chosen to provide end-to-end digital connections for voice and data transmissions across the US and between Canada and Mexico to a group called the Multilateral Initiative , composed of 32 European , Asian-Pacific and South American telecommunications carriers ; the value of the pact was not revealed .
20 To help administer it , there was a body called the Central Policy Review Staff ( CPRS ) which reviewed policies interdepartmentally .
21 He reads the instructions on a firework called a roman candle .
22 But there is a fall-back position and that is that the European Community have a directive called the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive that requires that before a major project of this type is put through there must be the fullest public consultation .
23 A team called the Daily Mirror Eight toured seaside towns during the summer from June till the end of August .
24 They had gone all over the place ; peeking into the Oval Office ( but the little rope was across , Hakim said ) ; stopping on the stairs to look at a picture called The Canine Cabinet , in which North pointed out a drowsing member and said it was Casey ; and into the Roosevelt Room , where North showed the young Iranian the Nobel Prize won by Theodore Roosevelt for negotiating peace between the Russians and the Japanese .
25 ‘ The only time John interfered editorially was when we wanted to introduce a character called The Milky Bar Yid .
26 He peddles a newspaper called The White Patriot — the Worldwide Voice of the Aryan People .
27 He had a helmet called a hard hat .
28 Runners-up included ten-year-olds Claire Butler , from , Pickering , Yorkshire , who intends to become a journalist and start a paper called the Nosey Parker , and Wesley Thomas , from Middlesbrough , who wants to be an ecological dustman because he ‘ likes getting mucky ’ .
29 A monograph called The Greek Anthology : Sources and Ascriptions appeared in 1958 , and in 1965 it was followed by the two-volume Hellenistic Epigrams : the Garland of Meleager , in which Gow collaborated with ( Sir ) Denys Page [ q.v . ] ,
30 In Spain for a man to call a pretty girl a man would be great rudeness . ’
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