Example sentences of "a [noun sg] from [noun] to year " in BNC.

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1 A rateable value is intended to represent a rent from year to year at a specific date on terms laid down by regulations .
2 A power for nobody to determine or for one party only to be able to determine is inconsistent with the concept of a term from year to year : see Warner v. Browne , 8 East 165 and Cheshire Lines Committee v. Lewis & Co . ,
3 This submission would make a nonsense of the rule that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease and would make nonsense of the concept of a tenancy from year to year because it is of the essence of a tenancy from year to year that both the landlord and the tenant shall be entitled to give notice determining the tenancy .
4 This submission would make a nonsense of the rule that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease and would make nonsense of the concept of a tenancy from year to year because it is of the essence of a tenancy from year to year that both the landlord and the tenant shall be entitled to give notice determining the tenancy .
5 And whether he were not in this dilemma ; that either his estate might enure for life , at his option ; and then according to Lord Coke such an estate would , in legal contemplation , be an estate for life ; which could not be created by parol : or if not for life , being for no assignable period , it must operate as a tenancy from year to year ; in which case it would be inconsistent with , and repugnant to the nature of such an estate , that it should not be determinable at the pleasure of either party giving the regular notice .
6 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the lessor binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once thrown out by Lord Mansfield , has been long exploded .
7 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the landlord binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once rejected by Lord Mansfield and exploded long before 1807 according to Lawrence J. in Doe d .
8 368 did not apply to a tenancy from year to year and said [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 , 733 :
9 A tenancy from year to year is saved from being uncertain because each party has power by notice to determine at the end of any year .
10 Now it is said that when in the present case the tenant entered pursuant to the agreement and paid a yearly rent he became a tenant from year to year on the terms of the agreement including clause 6 which prevents the landlord from giving notice to quit until the land is required for road widening .
11 For this purpose the owner will include any person in occupation other than as a tenant from year to year or for any less term or as tenant at will ( London Building Act 1930 , s5 ) .
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