Example sentences of "a [noun sg] which be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I would say that they ought to be able to spend at a level which is within the S S As that have been given both for the county and for the districts , and therefore we should be below the three hundred and seventy eight .
2 Well what this springs up is the issue , one of the issues we started with which is democracy in the tyranny of the majority is what Mill recognizes is is that a maj well he claims to be concerned that the majority will make a decision which is against the interests of everyone , but he 's equally concerned about the issue that the majority might make a decision which is against the interests just of a picked-on minority , people with unpopular views , people who hold er members of a different religion and so on .
3 Well what this springs up is the issue , one of the issues we started with which is democracy in the tyranny of the majority is what Mill recognizes is is that a maj well he claims to be concerned that the majority will make a decision which is against the interests of everyone , but he 's equally concerned about the issue that the majority might make a decision which is against the interests just of a picked-on minority , people with unpopular views , people who hold er members of a different religion and so on .
4 Now you 've set a budget which is below the level of at which the Oxfordshire County Council would be rate capped , or Poll Tax capped .
5 For example once he went to Rome on business and when he got back he told me about a building which was like the sky at night , so big that even when you stood in front of it you could n't believe you were actually seeing it .
6 It is one thing cutting a neckline which is on the bias , quite another to cut between stitches for the length of a front .
7 Every other group produces more sophisticated results than yours , your own results seem to vanish in the general feedback , and to cap it all she then shows you work which is more sophisticated than any of yours , probably containing a result which is on the A level further mathematics syllabus , and declares that it is work from mixed-ability 13 year olds !
8 This raises many questions about the extent to which any depreciation charge could yield a useful measure of this use but , given the policy of fixed depreciation charges imposed by Government , it would be hard to see how these charges would be capable of measuring actual usage of assets ( a point which is at the heart of the difference between the two accounting traditions ) .
9 Their private museum is in a wing which is under the control of a hostile uncle , but they were still able to show me a wonderful variety of treasures including a pedestal telephone , equipped with a leopard-skin handle , and decorated with an embroidered coat of arms showing the sun , moon , and stars .
10 Developments in Tanzania in the mid 1970s were , however , to end in the direct contradiction of this injunction , a contradiction which is at the heart of Tanzania 's tendency towards an authoritarian state .
11 A spaniel which was off the lead , covered in mud a young one and of course these , this fellow went straight up to it E T
12 She was a singer in a band which was on the verge of big pop success when the group started to be messed around by the men in suits .
13 But the concept of pain which I have acquired in this way is such as to be applicable to others , by simply supposing that they have a sensation which is like the one I have ( Mill : ‘ by supposing the link to be of the same nature ’ ) .
14 At the least , perhaps a country inn somewhere in the Limousin or the Cantal district will yield a new dish or a wine which was worth the detour .
15 Debentures may be discounted , that is , offered for sale by a company at a price which is below the redemption value of the debenture .
16 Naturally , it must not be put on a square which is on the same row or file or diagonal as another piece .
17 On a day which was among the more remarkable in literary history , he set out from Lime Street , and as on so many previous occasions reached Alfoxden down the lonely tree-shuttered lane through the deer park .
18 A statement which forms the basis of a decision of the court but which , although it would otherwise be considered as binding , is made in a court which is outside the hierarchy of the courts .
19 Those points you 'll find again summed up in a hand-out which is at the back on the seats there .
20 Loud French pop music howled out of a cassette recorder and everybody danced with each other to a song which was in the charts at the time , .
21 I met Hermione and David and John Hutchinson , who was the guitarist , at a show which was with the Scaffold and The Who .
22 Should the company do a thing which was outside the scope of the clause it was said to be beyond the company 's powers and ultra vires.At common law an ultra vires act was unlawful and without binding effect and a shareholder could restrain the company from undertaking ultra vires activities .
23 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
24 If not , the gyro will merely aggravate any instability in the model and produce a situation which is beyond the control of any normal pilot .
25 The British National Corpus is a project which is in the process of collecting 100 million words of contemporary spoken and written English taken from a range of text types .
26 You may not GOTO a line which is outside the current FOR …
27 The answer reached by the court is that it awards a sum which is in the nature of a conventional award .
28 As a general rule , private individuals are free to refuse to buy goods or services from a business on the ground that the business has trading links with a country which is under the control of a government of which they disapprove .
29 Then a bridle which is on the horse 's head and a bit , in the horse 's mouth and reins attached to the bit which we hold on to .
30 A purpose which is for the direct benefit of a particular class of persons ( other than a State institution ) is not charitable , although it results in an indirect benefit to the community .
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