Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [to-vb] at [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We 're walking back from the shops — me and Marie — and we stop for a bit to look at the lights in the electric shop .
2 As a result of this work the Coordinating Committee for Under Fives ( CCUF ) , an umbrella organisation of statutory and voluntary sector groups and individuals providing a service to under fives , decided to organise a conference to look at the issues of integration of special needs children within mainstream provision .
3 I also suggested that Britons should be urged not to ask for a chance to look at the remains until the situation improves .
4 Graham Game , a full-time green activist , hopes to win a commission to look at the dangers of a spill along the coast of Essex , the county 's prime natural asset .
5 It is a mistake to look at the provisions relating to the passing of risk as in some sense enabling one party to score over the other .
6 One problem when using the Tube as a tent is that the lightweight alloy poles have a tendency to bend at the joints when under strong pressure .
7 Athens … was a place of wonder and beauty , and it was a time to marvel at the achievements of mathematicians and astronomers — a time to build and admire a Tower of the Winds . ’
8 She tried to control an urge to pull at the ropes of jewels , coils of bracelets , the heavy tiara pressing into her scalp .
9 At some point , you will probably have to write out your own version of other people 's ideas in the form of paraphrase or summary embedded in your own work ; so it could be argued that you should do the rewriting from the outset , as you take your notes , in an effort to get at the ideas behind the words rather than just repeating the words themselves .
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