Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb base] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now , ten years later , the discovery of a body among the pinnacles and much lower on the ridge , the battered remains of a tent contain a handwritten notebook , promise to throw new light on the deaths of two of Britain 's most talented post-war mountaineers .
2 The main reason for this caution is that since a magnetic tape or a photograph furnish a permanent record of behaviour , the subject is entitled to be aware that such a permanent record is being made .
3 Unlike sharks , bony fish as a rule have a marked tendency to be flattened in a vertical direction .
4 Social order presupposes that members of a group have a common knowledge of rules .
5 Think of at least two different contexts in which the use of each of the following might become symbolic : a book a goblet a photograph a necklace a fob watch a dried flower .
6 So just just small movements of the feet I 'm not talking well there 's a classic one I had when I was at college we had a lecturer imagine a big lecture theatre you know two hundred people and there was there was a board and he presented his lecture like this , plenty of foot movement but he presented his lecture like and he just walked up and down .
7 Although interest rates are set to jump after reinvestment in the US and on new plant , earnings of 17.3p , against 17.7p , a share provide a fair base for the two successor companies .
8 Although interest rates are set to jump after reinvestment in the US and on new plant , earnings of 17.3p , against 17.7p , a share provide a fair base for the two successor companies .
9 The accounts of the National Health Service as a whole offer a good example .
10 The common objective behind all three projects is to analyse how changes in the society as a whole have a different impact in different areas , such that the same process may come to have very different consequences according to local-level variations .
11 It seems quite definite that the stars in a cluster have a common origin , and have remained as a group — though the gravitational pulls of non-cluster stars will be disruptive ; eventually the cluster will lose its separate identity and will be dispersed , though the process is bound to take hundreds of millions of years at least .
12 This makes the determination of shear modulus by a torsion test a difficult task and it requires careful experimentation .
13 It can not be stressed too strongly that the police in a democracy have a positive duty to facilitate the enjoyment of freedoms .
14 When a Government have a serious problem that has lasted 22 years , cost billions of pounds in security and military provisions and caused immeasurable suffering to some people , it is reasonable to assume that they have a long-term policy for creating lasting peace and ending the waste .
15 and , and er she would sort of say oh and here 's a theatre make a wee bit effort yes that might be the answer
16 This demonstration shows how even very small amounts of extra rudder in a turn cause a bad wing drop , whereas using too little is a safer fault because it inhibits the stalling characteristics .
17 A box remember a cardboard box .
18 From under the hunched shoulders and clutching arms a broken voice emerged in a stammering howl a stray dog might have launched into the night after company in its loneliness .
19 Poppy seeds sprinkled on bread as a flavouring have a disconcerting tendency to react chemically in the same way as the extract of the opium poppy , so that a worker could be mistaken for a heroin user because of what he ate for breakfast .
20 A COUPLE plan a sponsored walk to raise funds for a new counselling group for bereaved parents .
21 Because she had been reluctant to meet up with Celeste again , she had sat in a public stand a long way away from the private seating , the grid , the pits , but now she raced back towards them .
22 Calculations based on the A gene frequency of 0.21 in the UK population and the presence of 2 ABO genes a patient indicate a random probability of this association of only 2.4% .
23 Now we travelled the best part of the Ukraine and we also dipped into and er we were there about a month , just under a month , and erm one of the impressions that I got there , just as an ordinary chap , no , not learned politically so I ca n't speak on the level er of most of your callers today , but er , I realise that here you had er people , in actual fact my my comment was the country 's half finished , everywhere you went there were building constructions so far incomplete , er projects underway and you 've got the impression that they did need communism in a way to make the thing work er , the er , let's take the Ukrainians , I mean that , that 's where the Cossacks come from and they love a good time , er those sort of people in a way need a strong government .
24 The regional policies that have been developed , refined and improved in Britain in the past quarter of a century owe a great deal to the foresight of then Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in deciding to send Lord Hailsham , as he is now , to the north-east to make some progress .
25 Would not such a visit provide a glorious opportunity to point out that the assisted places scheme — among other major educational advances — would be abolished under a Labour Government , thereby denying many bright children in the Duchy the opportunity of a first-rate education ?
26 Members of a class develop a common identity , recognize their shared interests and unite , so producing class solidarity .
27 One of the most cited examples of such research is an unpublished study by Johnson and Scott ( 1976 ) where subjects waiting for an experiment overhear a violent argument next door followed by a person coming through the room carrying a bloodied letter opener .
28 Members of an organisation have a residual power to supervise the implementation of the constitutive treaty through the organisation .
29 This sort of angle gives an arcade machine a good run for its money !
30 Should a phase generally be gratifying he will successfully pass through that one to the next ; should it be frustrating he will remain fixated at this stage and as an adult manifest a particular personality constellation , such as the ‘ oral character ’ , distinguished by such features as excessive dependence , passivity and ‘ mouth habits ’ .
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