Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One day a subaltern got into a first-class railway carriage and found sitting there a ‘ coloured gentleman ’ .
2 Stress applied to a migrating epidermal cell at right angles to its direction of movement ( tangential to the leading edge of its lamellipodium ) causes the lamellipodium to retract and brings about a reorganization of the cell 's actin into a cable oriented along the major axis of stress .
3 A runner came from the front trenches , down the communicating trench .
4 Then in 1958 a split opened in the ruling AFPFL .
5 Rumours of a split surfaced during the new album sessions , produced by Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth at Blue Wave Studios in Barbados earlier this year .
6 The mere wear-and-tear of the prolonged firing contributed to German losses ; after superhuman efforts , one of the monster 420s had been moved up to the Bois des Fosses in order to knock out Fort Souville , but on the third shot a shell exploded in the worn barrel , killing almost the entire crew .
7 A year and a half earlier , she had lost her previous camp home when a shell fired from the Israeli-armed Lebanese Christian enclave to the south hit the roof .
8 They fell victims , along with others , to the belief that if a building complied with the existing building regulations and Codes of Practice it must be deemed to be safe .
9 A WOMAN driver desperate for a loo ran to a public toilet in Newmarket , Suffolk , only to find it shut — and her car stolen when she returned .
10 His opportunity to bring the two threads together as a writer came in the early 1980s through the radical London magazine City Limits — which also gave WCM regular Rob Steen his first break as a cricket-writer .
11 It required but a single coincidence , whereby an apparent answer to a prayer arrived at the appropriate time , to make him believe that his objects of supplication had powers beyond himself , and had brought him relief .
12 Below the well , a waterfall tumbled across an artificial rockery .
13 A blackbird sang from a hazel tree with swinging yellow catkins ; buds were just beginning to open into miniature bright green leaves .
14 He adds that ‘ There is little doubt that here existed a town in the time of the Britons ’ and a settlement grew around the Druidic university which according to Peck was the ancient British city of Doorebriff , meaning ‘ sharp stream ’ .
15 He was also asleep when a gramophone blared from the open window of a flat in the block across the way .
16 A change came in the second half of the 1370s , when there was a sharp drop in prices at a time when wages continued to rise , and from 1377 until the middle of the 1390s the Phelps Brown index shows a markedly higher level of real wages .
17 A opportunity arose from a primary study of proliferation in gastric malignancy to investigate BrdUrd labelled gastric mucosa .
18 At the end of a shaft of light streaming down an alley which led to the river , a scorpion dozed on a broken brick , though at Huy 's approach the little brown statue bristled , pincers and sting instantly alert .
19 A murmur ran around the unwilling audience .
20 Louisa had been skidding unsteadily about the ice for the best part of an hour when a carriage came round the rear drive of the Hall and , after a moment 's debate , Edwin Frere sprang down to give a helping hand to his well-muffled wife .
21 In particular , I studied for some while a figure chalked on a great blackboard which stood close to the bench bearing the sheeted body .
22 One day a figure appeared on the far shore .
23 His first book , the collection of stories entitled Goodbye , Columbus , fixed him in the popular mind , from 1959 , as an ‘ enemy of the Jews ’ — a condition aggravated by the onanistic bravura and scandalous mad success of the grotesquely imaginative Portnoy 's Complaint ( 1969 ) , and not much improved in recent years by The Counterlife ( 1987 ) , in which various escapes from Jewish America , including an escape to Israel , are projected , and in which Zuckerman and his dentist brother Henry are both imagined to have ailing hearts and to undertake gruesome surgery in order to restore the sexual potency suspended by their medication .
24 Torpedo-shaped glass lifts offered noiseless access to the different levels , on one of which a pianist sat at a grand piano playing classical music while an enormous golden pendulum suspended from the roof swung slowly from one side of the atrium to the other .
25 A light flashed on the ship-to-shore radio and he replaced his headset .
26 If a freeholder stood in no immediate need of a government office for himself , he would normally have sons or other relatives to provide for , and what other outlets were open to younger sons or brothers without capital save patronage appointments ?
27 A hare appeared on the opposite verge , quivered for a second , then ran swiftly up the road only to leap sideways out of the path of the approaching French infantry .
28 Not a trace remained of the cold rage that had set his face like granite .
29 A distorting witch-ball the size of a football stood in a wooden fruit bowl on the sideboard , in the middle of a mute congregation of bottles of tomato ketchup , salad cream , H.P. Sauce , Daddies Favourite sauce and Okay fruit sauce , all with dried dribbles running down their sides .
30 And when a car collided with a stationary vehicle , listeners were told it had encountered a van full of envelopes and other items of stationery !
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