Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 First , a trick I learnt from a newspaper article about a discovery in psychology .
2 On the other hand , I 've been as happy as a turkey in January , and all because of a story I spotted in a medical magazine , stating that regular lashings of oily fish cut sharply your chances of having a heart attack .
3 Unless one supposes there to be two categorially different kinds of appearances presented to the mind it will then seem that this flat circle must be the only object of visual perception , and the round globe I seem to see , the epistemic appearance , must really be a judgement I mistake for a sensation .
4 We may find ourselves disagreeing with other people on the basis of sampling ; one man may claim that a shirt he bought from a well-known manufacturer wore out in no time at all , whereas his friend says he always buys this make because they wear so well .
5 Can never wear a shirt it meant for a shirt underneath it .
6 There was a newsflash I caught of a big pile-up on the E 35 autobahn outside Freiburg … ’
7 For a term I lived in a room which looked out straight across to the tower .
8 For musicians , the lure of the West must be strong , and for reasons as understandable as basic working conditions and standard of living , but as a result we stand at a crossroads : how can we possibly avoid the continuing standardization of orchestral , instrumental and vocal production , and continue to have the opportunity of hearing music played in a style and tradition for which it was probably originally conceived .
9 As a result it slipped into a loss of £1.33m in 1988 against a £1.71m taxable profit in 1987 .
10 Beatrice Webb signed the Appeal , although as she recorded in her diary for 1889 , she was impressed by a reply she received from a woman who complained that her lodger could vote but she could not , and that while she could vote for her parish council and her local Poor Law Guardians , she could not do so for an MP .
11 Gina Bellman stars as the girl who may or may not be his demure wife — and who may or may not be a hooker he meets in a hotel .
12 Oh , by the way , ’ Luke said , locking the door behind them , ‘ Bob Tilling in Accounts just happened to mention the other day that you had settled an invoice for a piece we made for a client in Sherwood Forest . ’
13 Some novelist went up to a critic last night and thanked him for a review he wrote on a novel of his in about the year 1900 and congratulated him because he got it right .
14 A few years ago I and my two sons made an amazing discovery — a discovery we shared with a few of our colleagues here .
15 ‘ 'When I was a child I spake as a child , I understood as a child , I thought as a child , but when I became a man , I put away childish things .
16 Like a man stepping out of a dream he woke for a moment .
17 A big man , six foot four inches in his socks and a good fourteen stone , he always looked mildly untidy , and this morning , having worn the same clothes for a day and a half he looked like a football supporter after a night in the cells .
18 In his comfortable living room a Transylvanian poet scoffed at the idea of protest : ‘ On a barricade you burn like a flame in seconds .
19 So in a panic I went into a room , closed the door , and started screaming until I got hoarse .
20 He set off with rucksack and typewriter on a round-the-world trip , but only got as far as New Orleans , where , ever the hopeless romantic , he fell in love with a girl he met on a park bench .
21 Whilst there Norman had his twenty-first birthday , a fact he announced to a girl he met in a café and who took him off around Antwerp in celebration , on a journey of discovery that lasted two days .
22 A girl I met at a party on Saturday night . ’
23 With a laugh she watched from a doorway as the man searched aimlessly for her .
24 When I was a boy I belonged to a small Christian sect that was my whole world .
25 As a boy he lived through a Depression inside an industrial monster clanking and heaving its passage through an increasingly ungrateful century .
26 The tree was decorated with lights by and his team of engineers , and was such a spectacle it resulted in a letter in the local paper from Santa Claus himself , thanking us for putting it up .
27 A SUSSEX businessman is threatening to sue National Westminster Bank over a reference it provided about a company that collapsed within four weeks of him supplying games worth more than £7,000 .
28 Of the other two paintings , one is a picture of a friend , a girl who was also a student , posing in the same life-room , and the other , a portrait I made of a fellow student and good friend of mine from the Royal Academy , James Tower , who became a noted ceramicist .
29 With a sigh I went on a few steps further to George 's office and found him as I 'd expected , fully dressed , lightly napping , with worked-on forms pushed to one side beside an empty coffee cup .
30 It was just a fantasy I nurtured for a few years as I puffed and panted my way through the ten-foots and alleyways of downtown Hull .
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