Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 A Marine during the Second World War , Jones was cited at Iwo Jima .
2 But a reduction in the First World is also essential .
3 However , although ‘ multiculturalism , as an educational movement dates from the 1970s and is primarily a response to the post-Second World War migration of black communities to Britain , it is important to recognize that multiculturalism is a perennial social issue , for all but the simplest of societies are characterized by cultural diversity .
4 Especially when the prize could mean a berth in the next World Cup .
5 He has been signed up for War Game , based on a story from the First World War , which will be published before the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the conflict .
6 Let us walk with a visitor through the city , a veteran of the Second World War who values it as one which was almost unscathed from the bombing which devastated so many European cities .
7 Wilfred Owen was a poet during the first world war and all his poems contain a strong message about war which is usually expressed through a personal experience .
8 It came at a time when dislocation of the Latin American economies as a result of the First World War caused widespread unemployment and increasingly militant labour unrest .
9 Having been a soldier in the First World War , he really knows what he is writing about and is a great contrast to some of the pretentious poets who preach about war while they have never seen any violence in their entire lives .
10 Even Hitler , whose life and ideology glorified an untrammelled lust for power , surprises by his docility under discipline as a corporal in the first World War , and the little reported about his sexual tastes suggests that they were masochistic .
11 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
12 A scene from the first world war … effects recreated for a unique airshow .
13 In fact a gold standard operated in the international economy prior to 1914 and for a period after the First World War .
14 Howey has got it off to a T : so far , she has thrown many of her top opponents with it , including Emanuella Pierantozzi , the Italian world title-holder , who only just managed to twist out and avoid a score in the last world championships .
15 The cause of Hoxha 's suspicion against a communist who had fought in the International Brigades in Spain and with him as a partisan during the Second World War was Shehu 's consent to his son 's marriage into the family of an exiled critic of Hoxha .
16 Chesterton 's views were to become increasingly obsessional from the 1930s onwards ; Williamson , as The Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight was to prove , particularly in its early volumes , regained a considerable measure of detachment and objectivity in his professional vocation as a novelist after the Second World War .
17 Even those writers who specifically warned against using the historical experiences of contemporary rich countries as a guide for the Third World could not resist drawing some conclusions from the realm of foreign trade .
18 After the second World War they did n't have a economy in the second World War , now they have
19 If a government in the Third World wants to meet the energy needs of its people without destroying the environment or creating human misery , it has to adopt an integrated national policy on energy for cooking .
20 The number of radio licences rose from two to eight million between 1926 and 1939 with 71 per cent of all households having a wireless by the Second World War .
21 Bob was invited to be a speaker at the 19th World Industrial Advertising Congress in Geneva , alongside top industrialists including British Aerospace Chairman Sir Graham Day .
22 A book on the First World War made no mention of women 's contribution to the war effort at home or abroad .
23 LONDON Monarchs travel to Barcelona Dragons tonight for a rematch of the first World Bowl , writes Christopher Davies .
24 Consider the extent to which colonial rivalry was a cause of the First World War .
25 Edward had gone off to see an editor at the BBC ; he wanted to talk about a project on the Third World , and the boy was at school .
26 In the name of modernisation and professionalism , Chinese architects and civil engineers are not prepared to accept for the towns any of those policies which have made their own rural housing programme a model for the Third World .
27 A monthly on the Third World from a big publishing stable had just had the plug pulled after only the sixth issue .
28 Known throughout the Army world for his outstanding service as a chaplain in the First World War he was held in great affection and esteem .
29 They are peaceful people , too , and many of them have been persecuted for that love of peace : Arthur Raistrick , Yorkshire Dalesman and the greatest living Dales historian , was imprisoned as a pacifist during the First World War , while in earlier times , the Quakers led by William Penn fled to America where they founded Pennsylvania , the capital city of which is Philadelphia , the city of brotherly love .
30 The final communiqué was notable for its extraordinary length and a good deal of self-congratulation ( as when it referred to ‘ the age-old tradition of tolerance and universality ’ which the assembled countries personified ) , yet no-one could deny its significance as a symbol of the Third World renascence .
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