Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] at a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
2 Suppose that a contract to sell at a given price for a specified period is , for whatever reason , advantageous to both buyers and sellers .
3 A third alternative , proposed by Demsetz ( 1968 ) , is for the rights to supply to be auctioned off to bidders whose bids would be in the form of a contract to supply at a given price ( rather like bids for the construction of a motorway ) .
4 Getting into a shirt comes at a later stage , a sweater later still .
5 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
6 Torpedo-shaped glass lifts offered noiseless access to the different levels , on one of which a pianist sat at a grand piano playing classical music while an enormous golden pendulum suspended from the roof swung slowly from one side of the atrium to the other .
7 The ILP leadership , feeling it had a mandate from the Easter Conference , made preparations for a Special Conference at which it would make : a recommendation for disaffiliation , and for the re-organisation of the ILP as an independent Socialist Party with a programme aiming at a decisive change from Capitalism to Socialism .
8 Do remember to rub out your dots if a remedy works at a later date and only mark your bottle when the remedy has no effect if you are very certain that it should have worked .
9 Down a little tunnel at the Mesdag museum , up a flight of stairs , and you are standing atop a dune looking at an enormous 360-degree panorama painted in 1881 .
10 It is interesting to note that a quiet bedroom is about 35 on the scale , at 55 communication starts to become difficult , a car travelling at a steady 60 k.p.h. at seven metres distance is just over 70 , a heavy diesel lorry at 40 k.p.h. at seven metres is 85 , a pneumatic drill at seven metres is 95 and 120 is the threshold of pain .
11 The church had a narthex set at an oblique angle to one of the outer octagon sides ; it is believed that this was not the original narthex , which would have directly faced the eastern apse ( 195 ) .
12 Based on the shape of this receptive field , they then search for the stimulus that gives the best response from it , and in Figure 7 you see that one particular cell responded best to movement of a bar oriented at a particular angle , and also that it only responded when this bar moved in one direction .
13 Stretched out on a bed was Chuck Riley , with a girl dabbing at a nasty bruise on his forehead .
14 A test performed at a reputable clinic — and found to be positive — is checked by doing further test on the same sample using different methods to detect HIV antibodies .
15 He reportedly warned of a bomb placed at an unspecified Boots store in Liverpool .
16 The commission had proposed a tax starting at a level equivalent to $3 per barrel of oil this year , rising to $10 per barrel by the end of the century .
17 However , it has been judicially observed that the objection to a rent representing a percentage of the tenant 's turnover is that , if the price of a commodity rises at a faster rate than the cost of living , pressure is likely to develop on dealers in that commodity to reduce their margin of profit or rate of commission ( Naylor v Uttoxeter UDC ( 1974 ) 231 EG 619 per Brightman J ) .
18 One can imagine someone in a room looking at a beautiful painting , drinking in the details and the way in which they combine to constitute the lovely whole , and there being nothing beyond this observer and the object of his contemplation .
19 ‘ Nikos ! ’ she called , gesturing excitedly , waving the cloth as a head appeared at an upper window .
20 A tomcat sprang at a mounted knight ,
21 Lion Cavern came from last in a race run at a slow early pace , to get up in the finalstrides and score by a head from long-time leader River Falls , with Swing Low a further length away third , and Rodrigo de Triano failing to run on in the final furlong and weakening for fourth .
22 A chance meeting at an international conference on prison security in Stockholm led to Latvia getting the blessing of a Scottish Office minister for assistance from the Scottish Prison Service towards reform of their penal system .
23 Cheryl Clarke cites from a leaflet distributed at a Black Liberation Movement meeting in 1981 : ‘ Revolutionary nationalists and genuine communists can not uphold homosexuality in the leadership of the Black Liberation Movement …
24 A woman staying at a local hotel returned to find her room ransacked and another motorist had her car broken into .
25 He was like a dog sniffing at a weak scent , dodging about , uncertain in which direction to go .
26 AN ULSTER teenager was in a spin last week after prematurely celebrating winning a brand new car in a prize draw at a local disco .
27 The coins included in a hoard deposited at a given date will all have been made before that date .
28 There was always a cigarette dangling at a dozen different angles from his lips .
29 By contrast the key feature of a fully developed nervous system is its specificity , the precise set of connections by which a signal beginning at a particular sensory cell runs in a defined route , ending in some effector cell , a private line , essentially insulated from the multitude of other neurons within the system .
30 As a gastroenterologist working at a tertiary care centre , I am frequently asked to evaluate patients with faecal incontinence and defaecatory difficulties .
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