Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The reason is quite simple : it is not a route to do on a single rope .
2 A payment made by a third party to a company 's employee , but taxable under Sch E as arising from his employment , was subject to deduction of income tax at source under the PAYE Regulations , according to the High Court in Booth v Mirror Group Newspapers plc [ 1992 ] STI 662 .
3 Judging a shoe merely on technical specifications or on a trial fitting in a retail shop is never totally satisfactory .
4 The pilot study is a trial run on a small number of ‘ guinea pigs ’ who should be as like the true respondents as possible in age , intelligence , social class , etc .
5 One day a subaltern got into a first-class railway carriage and found sitting there a ‘ coloured gentleman ’ .
6 The agreement , reached after two years of negotiations , was made possible after the European Court of Justice ( the EC 's judicial body ) had changed a previous position and ruled--in a case brought by a Belgian village seeking to stop the dumping of Dutch waste-that waste was not a " commercial good " and could therefore by implication be exempted from the principle of free movement of goods enshrined in the European single market due to be introduced in 1993 .
7 The shape when seen from the air is like a bit stuck on a bigger bit .
8 This was a necessity to qualify for a later call to the Bar .
9 Critics of a decision reached by a particular committee could press for its review by some other committee or by the Cabinet , and the constitutional right of individual ministers to speak in the name of the government as a whole would be impaired .
10 For example , a number of humanities courses allow the student to postpone a decision to opt for a single subject or interdisciplinary course , or a major , joint or minor programme until the beginning of the second year .
11 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
12 ‘ I think this is a decision based on a cost-cutting exercise .
13 Services at the Horton General Hospital in Banbury have been saved by a decision to invest in a new maternity unit .
14 The Paris court must consider whether it is entitled or competent to act on a decision taken in a foreign country such a long time ago .
15 Sir Geoffrey was referring to the decision to ban trade unions at GCHQ , a decision taken by a small group of ministers ( himself , the Prime Minister , Lord Whitelaw , Mr Heseltine , then Secretary of State for Defence , with a bit of advice on likely union reactions from Tom King , then Secretary of State for Employment ) .
16 It would , for example , count my instruction to my son to be back by midnight as legislative , and the policeman 's order to move on when a driver stops in a prohibited zone as adjudicative .
17 These commands can be used to draw maps and graphs by a programmer writing in a high-level language such as FORTRAN or BASIC ; the D and M commands are used to draw line segments , given the x , y coordinates of the start and end of each segment , while the P command is used to add annotation .
18 as if things were not bad enough without those little bastards turning up to torment us , ’ remarked one of the medics as he tried to pack a shell dressing into a large abdominal wound .
19 If it is indeed to be a land battle , that inevitably bloody affair will with luck be fast-moving , and people will see it as a struggle fought with a clear aim against an obdurate enemy and plainly moving towards an allied victory .
20 But manager Maurice Setters knows his side have a struggle to qualify from a tough section — Germany are the other team in five-nation group three .
21 A GANG armed with a sub-machine gun were caught with drugs worth £5 million by undercover police .
22 Following a survey for the Widdicombe Committee , Professor Miller concluded that ‘ very few respondents declared a willingness to vote in a local election for the major party they opposed nationally ’ ( Widdicombe 1986 , III : 106 ) .
23 Conformity to rules relies primarily upon compliance , upon a willingness to work within a regulated framework which Etzioni has suggested rests either upon acceptance of a ‘ utilitarian ’ financial bargain or upon a ‘ normative ’ commitment .
24 Thus a course based on a functional approach would take as its main starting point for language development what the learner wants to do through language ( Abbs & Freebairn 1977 ) .
25 But it is also uplifting to find a course charted for a better world that combines environmental protection , civil liberties and economic development as three sides of a single strategy , rather than bolted together in disjointed and contradictory declarations .
26 They must , however , take the subject to the limits of current knowledge and they are increasingly being based on the concept of a course built around a major ( ten man-year ) project .
27 Each student registered on a course leading to a formal qualification is automatically eligible for Students ' Union membership .
28 Each student registered on a course leading to a formal qualification is automatically eligible for Student Union membership .
29 This has not been done in the interests of achieving a restrictively formalist , text-immanent reading of the story , nor is it suggested that contextual detail does not have a part to play in a multidimensional , interpretative process .
30 He had sailed to Ninfania from Illyria , in a big double bass of a galleon , with a prow carved like a volute , and it brought him to the shore in the harbour he then designated Ribaris , after the peak where the Ark had come to rest , once all the waters of the flood had drained out of the plughole of divine fury .
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