Example sentences of "a [det] [noun] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As long as only a few predators hunt in the same area , each aposematic family is likely to produce several survivors .
2 Just time for a few hours sleep before the early morning call in the biggest beds you have ever seen .
3 On the parking front in the centre of Nottingham you 'll find a space at St James Street and the Arndale Centre car park but Victoria Centre 's got a few minutes wait at the York Street entrance and Trinity Square still very busy next update in ten minutes time .
4 So you 've just got to work out some way that 'll make sense to you for remembering which way round they go and probably one good way is just write them out quite a few times think of a lot of words beginning with D.
5 A few steamers lounge in the blue water .
6 There was just a few yards walk to the main road , a careful look around , then across it , instinctively choosing the potential cover of a derelict warehouse on that side rather than the dockyard fence on this .
7 ‘ There are a few travellers live in the area ; they 're cool . ’
8 Exhibitions and trade shows work can be great fun — there is a chance to meet many new faces , stay in good hotels , have jolly meals with new-found colleagues and for a few days live in a different and , almost always , pleasant if busy world .
9 Some of the more interesting biographical details were apparently censored by departmental heads when they were sent back to be checked , but a few curiosities remain under the heading of leisure/interests , such as ‘ Three miniature smooth haired dachshund bitches ’ for County NatWest 's Angus Phaure , ‘ The later philosophy of Wittgenstein ’ for Merrill Lynch 's Ian McEwen ( sounds like fun ) and ‘ My wife ’ for BZW 's Colin Davies .
10 Only a few stragglers remain on the shore .
11 And if a few romantics mutter against the ‘ satanic mills ’ , despoliation of the countryside and pollution of the skies from the factory chimneys , the machine shunts them aside as surely as it repulses those Luddites who would shut down its engines if they only knew how .
12 A few seconds delay at a junction and we regard it as minutes .
13 Occasionally I treated myself to a half hour browse in a bookshop .
14 More than a million and a half Palestinians live in the occupied territories , their treatment prompted repeated accusations by western governments as well as those in the Middle East , that Israel 's crackdown has been too harsh , at times undisciplined ; one image of violence by Israeli forces aroused world-wide condemnation .
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