Example sentences of "a [adj] way [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Road pricing has been up for discussion for some time as a possible way of alleviating the high levels of traffic congestion in many city centres .
2 Food chemists have investigated guar bread in the hopes of finding a palatable way of increasing the fibre in the diet of diabetics .
3 So jury service he thinks is a terrific way of improving the jurors .
4 If the content of in-service work does not encourage the formulation of a unified way of approaching the purposes , implementation and evaluation of effective management , does the process of continued professional education promote a wholeness of view on its own ?
5 Mexicans have always been known for heavy drinking because traditional forms of alcohol are cheap , peasants often making their own , and this is a classic way of forgetting the drudgery of poverty .
6 Sexual relations have been called ‘ a non-competitive contact body sport ’ , which is simply a light-hearted way of emphasising the fact that competition is not involved .
7 While the criticisms outlined above do not obviate the necessity of some nativistic assumptions , they do suggest a different way of addressing the problem .
8 Each step is but a different way of helping the class to begin to internalise the gravity of a family 's decision to lace unknown dangers .
9 This was partly because each brand of typesetting machine tended to have a different way of preparing the bit-map , but it also had to do with the very nature of the technique : rotating the letters , making them larger or smaller , or altering them in any way involved a new bit-map .
10 A different way of questioning the justification of corporate power in terms of wealth maximisation is to argue that at least beyond a certain level of prosperity , increases in wealth do not compensate for , can not be traded-off against , the accumulation of power .
11 This is a clear way of showing the relationships , but it can be misleading as the linked list with pointers is not the only tool that can be used to link record occurrences .
12 It 's a funny way of doing the G
13 The question for a public inquiry is whether that is a sensible way of calculating the direct benefit .
14 Running was also a popular way of passing the time int he camps set up around military installations in Iraq .
15 A popular way of seeing the coastline and some of rural California as well as taking in the contrasting cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco is to drive up — or down — Highway 1 , known as the Pacific Coast Highway , or simply PCH .
16 She is equally fascinated by the stone as a specimen and as a phenomenological object , but whereas those of us working in drama who might agree with the wisdom of this position tend to see ‘ personal engagement ’ with the world through dramatic action as a proper way of helping the child to know the world , Dorothy Heathcote tends to delay the phenomenological process by a deliberate depersonalising of objects .
17 ‘ the concentration on actual or ostensible authority being ‘ given to the husband to act on behalf of the bank ’ may not be a reliable way of applying the test now well established by authority , albeit … that the real question is whether the bank were content to leave it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature upon the charge .
18 ‘ Again , the concentration on actual or ostensible authority being ‘ given to the husband to act on behalf of the bank ’ may not be a reliable way of applying the test now well established by authority , albeit since this judgment was delivered , that the real question is whether the bank were content to leave it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature upon the charge .
19 It imparts a fresh way of seeing the familiar .
20 Whatever some observers regarded as a blundering approach was a skilful way of navigating the dilemmas confronting him .
21 ( A similar way of finding the best power for transformation will be explained for median polishing in chapter 15 . )
22 Before submitting the package for approval , the manager of the package can ensure that the package is in an ‘ approvable ’ condition , ( in a similar way to running the scanner before attempting to enter a module ) .
23 For example , constructing with the older person a network diagram to record information about family and support networks is a simple way of involving the user , often used with other client groups but not so much with older people ( Figure 2 ) .
24 This leads to a simple way of stating the amount of distortion : as the ratio of harmonics to fundamental .
25 The Profitboss has a simple way of establishing the contribution link to profit .
26 Is there a simple way of describing the decay of the magnetic flux mathematically ?
27 Deflationary gap Gap analysis is a simple way of describing the main policy implications of the Keynesian theory .
28 A simple way of extending the number of socket outlets at your disposal is to replace singles with doubles .
29 Such measures may be presented as a simple way of making the majority feel in control of its destiny .
30 The part 26-way tree , part linked list method was implemented for comparison purposes , and because it appeared to be a simple way of reducing the amount of memory necessary .
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