Example sentences of "a [adv] large [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , as in the case of decisions on output , a small initial deterioration in the business environment may cause what appears to be a disproportionately large reduction in bank and trade credit .
2 This is the so-called ‘ poverty-trap ’ of the lower paid : a small increase in earning takes them over a threshold , whereby they may lose certain welfare benefits and at the same time have to pay a disproportionately large increase in tax on their original income .
3 Calculations of Mallia 's food requirements ( see Chapter 4 ) show a significantly large shortfall in wheat .
4 On the matter of size of library budget , Parry commented that a figure of 6% of total university expenditure was ‘ not a very large proportion in relation to the significance of the library within the university ’ .
5 In these circumstances a very large change in interest rates would be necessary to have any significant effect on investment and aggregate demand .
6 ‘ It is now clear there is a very large majority in favour of ratifying the Maastricht Treaty . ’
7 1.7 Example ( 26 ) shows us the second and less common relation contributing to the unfolding of syntactic structures , which we shall call equation , adopting the obvious symbol to represent it : ( 26 ) Fitzpatrick , our neighbour , used to plant potatoes the subject exemplifies the basic pattern [ E = E ] , ( as does the underlined portion of ( 22 ) ) ; in more exact terms , what we have in this subject phrase is : As we have just remarked , equational phrases are rarer than phrases involving qualification ; and , among them , there is a very large disproportion in favour of equation between E and E , rather than between P and P. Nevertheless , the latter can be found ; two examples would be : ( 28 ) what I need is a cup of strong , dark coffee for a fast , convenient trip to the city , take the Skytram This is clearly not to say that strong and dark , or fast and convenient , are equivalent at the type level ; only that on some particular occasion of use , as here , they may be regarded by speaker , or copywriter , as equivalent .
8 In September 1316 Edward retained him for a very large fee in return for the promise of his service with a commensurately large retinue ; and shortly afterwards he and Pembroke set off for the papal curia on a mission which had the repeal of the Ordinances as one of its objectives .
9 Our findings confirm the transient , intense viraemia observed by others in symptomatic , primary HIV-1 infection , which was associated with an especially large reduction in platelet count , perhaps directly related to intense viral replication .
10 At a more serious level , Richard Crossman and others have shown that , in the right circumstances , civil servants in the UK may have an undesirably large role in policy-making .
11 To return to the example , if the machine finds that one particular reply to A is especially strong ( leads to an unusually large change in score ) , it remembers that fact , and puts that reply high in the list of plays to be looked at when B and C are examined .
12 Yet so well did my father hide his feelings , so professionally did he carry out his duties , that on his departure the General had actually complimented Mr John Silvers on the excellence of his butler and had left an unusually large tip in appreciation — which my father without hesitation asked his employer to donate to a charity .
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