Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to make a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Borrowers can pay more when rates move up , but they must come to a branch to make a specific request to do so . ’
2 A decision to make a marginal increase in the school 's contact ratio , in order , say , to purchase administrative and clerical assistance in the recording of assessments ( probably a sensible response to the demands of the new curriculum ) will affect the conditions of service of every teacher .
3 A good starting salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered and a willingness to make a positive contribution to the overall success of this highly innovative and rapidly growing company will be reflected in future remuneration .
4 His own practice , as recorded in one of a series of articles which appeared in the Manchester Guardian in October and November 1930 * by one of the pupils who attended the evening classes he held there once a week between 1925 and 1927 , was from a drawing to make a careful sketch in various hades of one colour , obtaining in this way the construction of the picture and the suggestion for various tonal values .
5 Any elicitation procedure is itself subject to a degree of variation in terms of how successfully it stimulates a child to make a particular response .
6 ( b ) the offeror is also responsible for making the announcement if a requirement to make a mandatory offer is triggered ;
7 It is a scene to make a British Minister of Sport weep with envy .
8 The discussion of Taking the Side of the Other suggests that there is a need to make a theoretical distinction between the explicit and the implicit argumentative aspects of attitudes .
9 But in some parishes it er had been useful for them to stand out because the parish council was made up of people who had grown old with parish priests and er it was a chance to make a new start .
10 Now that buses are no longer designed to enhance the streets they serve , Manchester has a chance to make a fresh start with its trams .
11 They only take bastards , to give the mothers a chance to make a fresh start . ’
12 In Danzig it was still possible for a merchant to make a small fortune from the grain and timber trades , but it was not considered wise to invest the profits in agriculture — either the farms were too small and the returns non-existent , or the estates were too ramshackle and labour-intensive to warrant investment .
13 A LOVESICK teenager who landed in court after stealing a dinghy to make a cross-Channel voyage to see his French sweetheart yesterday admitted she was not worth it .
14 A commission of enquiry confirmed this assessment , and the Governor was withdrawn , though his period of service had in fact ended in the winter of 60/61 , so Tacitus would appear to magnify a grievance to make a political point in favour of his hero whose memoirs he may have used for his Annals .
15 By the early 1970s the CNAA had established and reviewed policies ; framed a pattern of degrees and made the revisions which resulted , for example , in the adoption of the degree and degree with honours , branching from a common foundation , to replace the essentially two-track ordinary and honours structure ; and arrived at a broad and growing diversity of subject areas to validate , with a potential to make a major contribution in additional areas .
16 What does matter is that you 're wearing yourself to a shadow to make a bare livelihood — and my hands are tied , ’ he said violently , looking down at them as though he longed to tear off the invisible fetters .
17 They are probably shocked by the news , and are not in a position to make a rational decision .
18 In the case of the parents , they are unlikely to be in a position to make a rational judgement .
19 My right hon. Friend hopes that he will be in a position to make a firm announcement early next year .
20 When will he be in a position to make a firm announcement about the placing of an order for the fourth Trident submarine ?
21 In such cases it may be necessary to maintain the status quo until the court is in a position to make a final order .
22 Once we can rid ourselves of the dual notions that some magic divides jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional questions and that all matters of law have one inexorably correct meaning which must always be supplied by the courts , we are in a position to make a reasoned choice .
23 ‘ Obviously I would love to get back playing All Ireland League rugby again , but I 've no intention of returning unless I 'm convinced I 'm fully fit and in a position to make a decent contribution .
24 I hope that the dockyard will be in a position to make a significant contribution to the work in future — our budget provides for that .
25 Certainly in the matter of military aid , as the working party concluded , the US ( without sending troops ) was in a position to make a unique contribution : but even more positive results might have been expected from economic assistance .
26 Then you ask how it might have come about that the murderer made that mistake , and already , when eventually you tell of this from the other end , from the discovery of the corpse , you have got something that will require a reader to make a lateral jump to see what really happened .
27 If there is enough wind strength to take the lifting kite to almost any height , there will be a temptation to make a high release .
28 In the light of there being two different uses of the concept of social representation , there is a temptation to make a prescriptive decision in favour of one or other of the uses .
29 That this House urges Her Majesty 's Government to use the decision to postpone the passage of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill as an opportunity to make a fresh start with the future development of the EEC and in particular concentrate its efforts on the chosen agenda of the British presidency which is to extend the borders of the EEC and to create a fully competitive Common Market .
30 If they are as divorced from experience as they seem , the only explanations for their regular occurrence in a variety of people must be either , following Jung , that these are archetypal dreams with some allegorical significance , or that they represent an attempt to make sense out of experiences really occurring during dreaming sleep — an attempt to make a coherent story out of some pattern of the highly active discharges from the hindbrain which are a feature of REM sleep .
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