Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to have a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We see we see this forum as very much the right sort of forum for either making or breaking the case for a new settlement , the one thing I do have to say , however , is that the Department wants to see this particular issue settled in the context of the alteration , and full significance of that is n't immediately apparent , it , what we do n't want to see is what was envisaged in the H B F statement , where they thought that we might end up with a decision to have a new settlement in principle and then leave it open to the local plans , all four of them around the city , to then explore the possible alternative locations .
2 ‘ It 's important for a girl to have a proper career , ’ said Brian .
3 The women deserve a right to have a proper training , not a watered down version .
4 Swan felt very much at a disadvantage , especially when Amaranth told him that she had promised to go to The Times/Sunday Times party with Charles , who had left them for a moment to have a quick word with Peter Riddell of The Times .
5 And she , too , had something of the precision and contrived charm of a doll with an almost round head poised ’ on a long delicate neck , a snub nose with a splatter of freckles , a small mouth with a full upper lip beautifully curved and a bristle of cropped hair , originally fair but with bright orange tips which caught the sun and trembled in the breeze so that the whole head seemed for a moment to have a vivid life separated from the rest of her body and , the image changing , he had seen her as a bright exotic flower .
6 The reasons which prompt such a bargain are a desire on the part of the landlord to ensure that he suffers no rental shortfall , and in some cases a desire to have a guaranteed profit rental .
7 She sniffed , and smiled a bit , but not too much because if there is one thing worse than someone who does n't understand you it 's someone who understands perfectly , before you 've had a chance to have a good pout about not being understood .
8 So Travis stayed the night on their couch , with the only bonus for him being that , bleary-eyed and hung-over the next morning , he had a chance to have a brief word with Rosemary before she went to her computer programmer 's job .
9 Jane , a 40-year-old systems analyst , sums it up when she comments , ‘ Sometimes weeks can go by before I even get a chance to have a proper conversation with my husband ! ’
10 In certain circumstances it might have been preferable for a beneficiary to have a real action , in which case he would press for interpretation as a legacy .
11 ‘ It 's such a relief to have a clear complexion again , ’ declared Bethan
12 Volley guns need never fire a shot to have a decisive effect on the game .
13 It is important for a project to have a definite goal and for the pupils to feel something has been achieved .
14 Although many of the official reports point to a need for a school to have a clear view , which they should communicate to pupils and parents , of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour , they do not attempt to define these concepts .
15 In Germany , for example , there 's nothing like the division between Parliament and Government that I was speaking of erm as far as France was concerned , erm nor is there to quite the same extent erm the sort of links between administrative politicians and political administrators , but one of the things they share in common is a tendency to have a legal background and a legal approach to administration , and almost all senior civil servants in Germany , for example , have gone through a legal training .
16 Mr George : Well , the German planes had a tendency to have a different note to the British planes and you never got many British planes over at night anyway .
17 There are elections at all levels where it can be better for a party to have a low turn-out overall because those who do vote will tend to be your people .
18 For a politician to have a clear objective is to offer hostages to his opponents .
19 It can be an advantage to have a low background heat if you can do so cheaply ( some people run an extra radiator off the domestic boiler ) as this will reduce heat-loss from the tanks and thus reduce the electricity cost .
20 On the one hand , it is an advantage to have a large volume of business with a minimum risk of non-payment .
21 In the technical sense it is perfectly possible for an organisation to have a hierarchical structure and to have popular and participatory decision-making .
22 Thus parents , employers and decision-makers have an obligation to have a full understanding of mental handicap in order to approach the issues involved with a true sense of proportion .
23 This application is not to be confused with an application to have a provisional grant to be declared final under subs .
24 For Saturday 's match with St John 's Chapel ( attendance three , we 're told ) the ‘ club notes ’ consisted of advice on where to drink afterwards and an injunction to have a nice day .
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