Example sentences of "a [noun sg] he have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a child he had been unable to cope with the passions around him ; he had hidden himself away in books , consoling himself with golden reveries .
2 If the plaintiff has been unable to work at all up to the date of the trial , his loss will be the entire net remuneration which he would have earned ; if for a period he has been able to earn something , but not as much as he would have earned had he not been injured , his loss for that period will be the net difference between what he has earned and what he would otherwise have earned .
3 It was not like Karr to use his privilege so crudely and for a moment he had been concerned by his friend 's behaviour .
4 Within minutes of being given the treatment his walking was much improved , and the following day he was walking around without any sticks and was also able to climb up and down stairs unaided — a thing he had been unable to do for at least two years .
5 Lord Lane paid tribute to his ‘ team ’ of judges and revealed that over the past four years he had reviewed almost 1,500 life sentences — a task he had been unable to delegate and which he willingly relinquished to his successor , Lord Justice Taylor .
6 The Deputy Director of the SIS was a man you could pass in the street without noticing , an effect he 'd been careful to cultivate .
7 Perhaps because this was an interview he had been glad to postpone , even temporarily .
8 Frumentarii , both cavalry decurions , for instance , are known to have served at Tiffen and Feldkirchen in the mining district of Noricum , while an official bearing the title immunis consularis curas agens vico Saloduro is recorded from Solothurn near Augst ; as an immunis he had been relieved of all other military duties by the provincial governor in order to oversee the village community of the Vicus Salodurus .
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