Example sentences of "a [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a while we had drawn close enough to sight the planet itself — a slowly enlarging spot of brightness on the ceptor screens — by which time Posi had contacted the spaceport .
2 And she trembled , yielding , softening , flowering against him as a slowly swirling vortex of yearning began to build to an urgency .
3 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
4 When a foot is damaged , the volley of nerve impulses produced by the damage and arriving in the spinal cord sets up a long lasting increase of excitability which shows up as an exaggerated flexion reflex , among other changes .
5 Bush promised legislation " this year " setting specific goals and timetables for the reduction of acid rain pollution , a long running source of disagreement between the two countries .
6 Sam King in Sounds said : ‘ No concessions at all — the bass is as bossy as ever , a constantly straining leash of rhythm , while Gedge 's guitar is as irritating as it 's always been . ’
7 In Britain , where suspicion of the army as a possible instrument of tyranny together with a generally rising level of prosperity made recruits unusually hard to obtain , this element was prominent .
8 He launched himself out of the chair to rescue a rapidly cooling cup of coffee , grimacing slightly in disgust as he indicated the pot .
9 For most of these young mothers , their parents have proved to be a more sustaining source of support than their baby 's father .
10 The pro-divorce camp were quick to spot the traditional Irish view that written laws and authoritative words have a radically structuring effect on reality .
11 Whether this is too optimistic or not , the phenomenon he describes and he could have added other examples , from Afro-American ‘ street-corner ’ vocal groups or Jamaican reggae , for instance — is clearly not amenable to an Adornian analysis , based on a dichotomy between a radically fragmenting division of labour , on the one hand , and an integrating individual consciousness , on the other .
12 There has , moreover , been a continuously rising trend of absenteeism since the plant opened .
13 Brown and Jackson ( 1982 ) , quoting a variety of sources , show a dramatically rising trend of government spending as a proportion of GNP at factor cost up to 1976 .
14 Jim is a hard hitting sort of individual who knows where he is going in racing and he has brought Down Royal , I feel , out of the 17th century into the 20th — not quite the 21st — in a matter of a couple of years .
15 It is this result which enables us to conclude that a short-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation exists , but that ( so long as w is greater than zero ) no long-run trade-off exists unless a continually rising rate of inflation is tolerated .
16 It will , I hope , become increasingly clear as this book progresses that it is essential to understand science as an historically evolving body of knowledge and that a theory can only be adequately appraised if due attention is paid to its historical context .
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