Example sentences of "a [adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Leila was a much safer subject for consideration .
2 Clay soils , composed of very fine particles , have a much higher affinity for water than silty soils .
3 ‘ There is a much greater thirst for knowledge , ’ he says .
4 They 're relatively heavy , take longer to dry and some pocket seams were not properly finished — but they remain a much better bet for walking than non-specialist alternatives .
5 The Protocol also leaves out ‘ soft ’ CFCs , which have a much lower potential for ozone depletion but still have a destructive effect .
6 A much sounder basis for doubt is the worry that legalisation would increase drug-taking , and that rising consumption and addiction would overwhelm the gains to be had from getting drugs within the law .
7 Er , I think that reflects the , a certain unrealism out there in the world , and that is the notion that you are likely to entrust major decisions about mega-millions er , of money , er , to a much broader arena for discussion .
8 UK consumers have a much smaller appetite for cheese than their continental neighbours .
9 Most L1 + cells at this site were this taken to represent granulocytes , which was supported by the fact that the CD68 + L1 - cells showed a much stronger reaction for acid phosphatase than those expressing L1 in all ethanol fixed specimens examined .
10 Anyway , Unix now faces a much tougher fight for survival against Microsoft Corp — or are we imagining things ?
11 Competition among them has been intense in the past decade as a result of the switch to reimbursement based on diagnostic related groups rather than historic costs , a difficult regulatory environment aimed at reducing short stay hospital capacity and at cost containment , and a much tougher climate for research funding .
12 All this detailed analysis and cataloguing of the pottery forms part of the archive for the excavation , and the specialist then produces a much shorter report for publication , giving the main results of the analysis .
13 With a still greater capacity for self-deception , he assured the House that Austen Chamberlain never had an unkind thought about any man .
14 Provided we take enough water with us there 's no reason why we should n't be able to hold out for a considerable time in the banqueting hall , which is in a far better situation for defence … and let me remind you that with every passing day , relief comes nearer … perhaps as much as twenty miles nearer with every day 's march …
15 There is therefore , a far greater responsibility for originality placed upon them , as they will in future have to be leaders rather than followers .
16 Other minerals ( e.g. pyroxenes , amphiboles , micas and many rock fragments ) have a considerably higher potential for alteration and dissolution and are also less rigid .
17 Table 3 shows there is a significantly greater RFA for trigram than for dot location and for words than for dot counting .
18 Visual Analogue Scores over the first 3 days showed a significantly lower score for breathlessness for the NIPPV group , median 2.3 cm ( range 0.1–5.5 ) , than for the control group , median 4.5 cm ( range 0.9–8.8 ) , p < 0.025 ( fig 2 ) .
19 But an even greater cause for resentment is that she may feel guilty about meeting her friends or pursuing her usual weekday activities unless her partner is also busy .
20 The attempt to ‘ educate ’ the people to heroic self-sacrifice for historic deeds and ideological aims had led ultimately to an even stronger yearning for material satisfaction and personal happiness .
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