Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It surely seems worth investigating the possibility that whatever it is about power lines that flips a normal brain into depression may flip a depressed brain back to normality .
2 I took the standard right turn and watched as he stopped a little way out to sea , turned , and stared at us .
3 Stirling thus decided to abandon operations for a while and send a strong party back to base to collect stores and the new vehicles he had requested .
4 But if we were gods , and immortal , and could sit ourselves comfortably to watch the years slide by , with a magnetic compass conveniently to hand next to the ambrosia and nectar , we 'd see something extraordinarily interesting .
5 Just say , ‘ I 'm having a few friends round to dinner .
6 Rowboats , a few feet out to sea ,
7 Breath in concentrate again keep the ball in the Forest half and edge a few seconds closer to victory .
8 I want , on your behalf , to send a clear message to-day to Government and to Employers — the gains that working people have made for themselves and their families — gains that have made their world a fairer place — are not for taking back and will not be given back ’ .
9 For the first time , an entirely independent body had uncovered a direct statistical link between Britain 's biggest nuclear power station and one of the few types of cancer which displayed a clear pathway back to radiation exposure .
10 Cowans on a free transfer back to Villa .
11 Cowans on a free transfer back to Villa .
12 Five Hurricanes had indeed gone down , one of them last being seen chasing a German aircraft out to sea .
13 A 53-YEAR-OLD aircraft engineer rode on the tail of a light plane out to sea off New Zealand and back yesterday after it took off without the pilot knowing he was there .
14 A male teacher in To Sir With Love actually instructs his female pupils in ladylike behaviour , modesty , charm and attractive appearance .
15 Equally , however , if the only learning experience one encountered was in closely programmed format there would be no scope for those intuitive leaps and imaginative forays most of us remember , or for those times in which one pursues a sudden enthusiasm almost to saturation .
16 I knew if I cut the anchor rope at the wrong moment , the Hispaniola would make a sudden move out to sea , and my boat might be knocked out of the water .
17 Another version says that the idea of tapes being wiped was just a wheeze to get a comfortable taxi back to base !
18 The other replay tonight is a little bit closer to home at Peterborough to be precise , Peterborough against Blackpool , that game has just kicked off , no goals in that one at the moment .
19 We 'd dress up in our party things ; just put a little pinny on to start ; unpack the things from Fortnum 's , put them on to plates .
20 There is a great deal more to time than meets the eye , or has , in fact , ever been ‘ explained ’ by that unprincipled scoundrel , A. Einstein , Esq .
21 Hydro-electric power , though renewable , has a finite limit to its development potential unlike some of the other renewables and will never contribute a great deal more to world energy supply than it does at present .
22 Across the bridge a no-through-road branches off to Stone House Farm and discloses ahead the massive Artengill Viaduct , eleven lofty arches spanning a hollow in the skyline in a remarkable feat of railway engineering .
23 The old SEAQ classification did not adequately show the liquidity or quality of the shares , and were a poor guide therefore to marketability .
24 The fact that the common warthog lives in aardvark holes is a good reason never to loiter at an aardvark entrance .
25 I have my shit , bury and cover it over like a cat , with earth and leaves , trying to ensure a faster conversion back to nature .
26 But Mandy 's gift for drama and her change to a quavering old voice had brought a reluctant smile on to Charity 's lips .
27 Winds at the beach are perfect for novices , with enough stronger breezes to satisfy early intermediates , especially a short distance out to sea .
28 Vera went to a Quaker school in Cornwall and a short time later to school in Letchworth .
29 Today the wall serves as a safe guide back to civilisation in mist or unkind weather and lost souls on Gragareth have good reason to be grateful for its existence .
30 The 1922 Cup campaign stated with a tough tie away to League champions Burnley .
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