Example sentences of "a [noun] [Wh det] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Despite Blanche 's protestations , the businessman insisted on leading the police officers back to the drawbridge by a route which took in the Great Hall .
2 A lease , because of the involvement of the landlord ( who is not or who at any rate in his capacity as landlord is not a member of the firm ) , needs not only an appropriate declaration that the named partners joined as lessees hold the term on trust but also : ( a ) a declaration that possession of the demised premises by partners who are not trustees of the lease shall not by itself constitute a breach of the usual covenants against parting with or sharing possession ; ( b ) a provision which dispenses with the landlord 's consent ( or makes it automatic ) to an assignment of the demised premises to partners other than the original lessees or to the vesting of the premises in new trustees for the firm .
3 Both Corbett and Ranulf were dragged unceremoniously off their horses and pushed through the main door of the house and down a passageway which led into the main room or hall .
4 Each pair of houses shared a front door , staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard .
5 About fifty metres from the car she discovered a passageway which sliced between the terraces .
6 Sir Robert Mark goes on to tell us that after the prisoner 's appearance in court where , with his leg encased in plaster he was fined ‘ the customary ten shillings ’ , the violent navvy behaved like a perfect gent : Sir Robert Mark thus tries to squeeze out of this story a moral which points to the deteriorated relationship between the police and public .
7 Certain newspapers which jumped to the conclusion that he had engaged in sex with the woman were sued for libel , but were unable to discharge the burden of proving a case which hinged upon the word of a prostitute against the word of the plaintiff and his " fragrant " wife .
8 A referendum which dealt with the central arguments about Scotland 's relationship with the United Kingdom was needed , he said .
9 The judge had told the jury of what they had to be satisfied before convicting any of the accused , but the case cried out for a direction which amounted to the reverse side of the coin , namely , that they should not convict any person who was in their charge simply because of his association with others .
10 Alasdair MacCormick , who runs Law Practice Management , a consultancy which advises on the selection of computer systems , feels that knowing how computers work is not important .
11 Fundamentally an actuary is a problem-solver and this is a thread which runs from the second half of the 18th Century to the present day .
12 A 15-year-old Darlington girl admitted yesterday that she had been part of a gang which broke into the town 's Salvation Army Hostel .
13 Professional Studies in the early years of schooling is a course which extends throughout the first three years of the degree .
14 Under the old set up , I ran a course which looked at the problems of language learning chronologically .
15 Work was therefore concentrated on preparing full-scale calculations ‘ for the time when fast computing machines become available ’ — a sentence which recurs in the theoretical reports of this period ’ ( 1946–1948 ) .
16 There is also more overlapping , of a kind which insists on the notion of depth : a despairing woman on the far side of the statue from which the lesser Ajax is about to drag Cassandra to rape her ; hidden faces ( Priam 's and Aeneas 's — he is shown at one end , escaping with his father and son ) .
17 The Treasury prepared a response which concentrated on the difficulty of translating economic theory into practice , and on the political implications of the economists ' suggestions .
18 The pin is often positioned on the right-hand side , just over a ridge which runs across the front of the green .
19 The equipment consists of a portable computer linked to a sensor which travels along the pipe and examines it for defects .
20 There is a row of stout wooden rods supporting a handrail which runs along the edge of the gallery , allowing the adventurers to lean on it and look down into the Black Pit ( which they wo n't immediately be able to see , of course ) .
21 The general safety requirement is encapsulated in s10(2) which provides : ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section consumer goods fail to comply with the general safety requirement if they are nor reasonably safe having regard to all the circumstances , including ( a ) the manner in which , and purposes for which , the goods are being or would be marketed , the get-up of the goods , the use of any mark in relation to the goods and any instructions or warnings which are given or would be given with respect to the keeping , use or consumption of the goods ; ( b ) any standards of safety published by any person either for goods of a description which applies to the goods in question or for matters relating to goods of that description ; and ( c ) the existence of any means by which it would have been reasonable ( taking into account the cost , likelihood and extent of any improvement ) for the goods to have been made safer .
22 In the majority of his work , he displays a sympathy which reaches to the inner core of his subject .
23 A GHOST which appears in the north of England .
24 And for teachers already using ( or wanting to adopt ) the approach described here , it acknowledges and reflects their wider concerns , offering a framework which allows for the possibility of building in collaboration as an integral feature of teaching and learning across the whole range of classroom activity .
25 A HOSPICE which cares for the terminally ill is holding a special fund-raising week .
26 Originally the parable was a story which warned against the coming catastrophe of the end , when a person may be faced with either personal death or the end of the world .
27 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
28 Eventually there was a settlement which leant in the Admiralty direction .
29 The Bank has a division which specialises in the administration of family trusts .
30 More significant than these are the phrases which imply that teachers have a responsibility which extends beyond the school gates .
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