Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Had he been in his place on Tuesday , when my right hon. Friend made the opening speech on the Loyal Address , he would have heard him say that the Government would introduce a measure to deal with the young thugs , as my hon. Friend calls them , who indulge in joyriding , a practice which hon. Members in all parts of the House deplore ; those young people will , therefore , be offending .
2 The move , linked to the United States announcement in October that it would withdraw all tactical nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula , followed fruitless efforts to persuade North Korea as a signatory to comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty under the International Atomic Energy Agency and accept international inspection of its nuclear facilities , and to halt its suspected nuclear weapons development programme including the construction of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant [ see p. 38396 ] .
3 One is even tempted to propound a theorem to cope with the bewildering thickets of paradox obstructing every path , namely : every attempt to ameliorate nuclear doctrine in one respect produces an equal and opposite effect in some other respect .
4 The Great Detective , for all that he figures in mere detective stories , is a figure to parallel with the great poet and the great scientist because in solving the sort of genuinely baffling mystery that confronts him , in fact he goes some way to solving a yet greater mystery , the mystery of the human personality .
5 The strategy proposes removing constraints on EC biotechnology industry , whilst setting up a committee to deal with the moral and ethical issues raised by genetic , environmental and human embryo research .
6 He already had a contact in a Swedish woman who had expressed a desire to work with the British , who was studying at Dresden .
7 Carnival gives the poor a chance to mingle with the rich .
8 You will probably have had a chance to practise with the hand-held mask at antenatal class .
9 With the help of a native interpreter , Derek had a chance to chat with the Chinese people .
10 And not until mid-1993 will any incoming government get a chance to tinker with the existing composition of the Board of Governors .
11 This was not only copper-bottomed security , it was a chance to play with the big numbers and see what happened .
12 Banks provide a loan to deal with the resultant cash deficiency .
13 These included ( i ) a 90-day moratorium on new federal regulations which could hamper growth , and a fundamental review of all existing regulations ; ( ii ) an instruction to all Cabinet departments and federal agencies " to speed up pro-growth expenditure " , which would infuse an extra $10,000 million into the economy in the next six months ; ( iii ) a change in the federal tax withholding schedules which would stimulate domestic demand by returning some $25,000 million to the economy over the next 12 months ; and ( iv ) a commitment to work with the Federal Reserve Board to hold down interest rates and inflation .
14 Gena Corea , a co-founder of the National Coalition Against Surrogacy quoted from the American Fertility Society 's ethical report , ’ The primary medical indication for use of a surrogate mother is the inability of a woman to provide with the genetic ( the egg ) or the gestation component ( the uterus ) for childbearing ’ .
15 Such an aim precludes the production of a strategy to deal with the manifest traffic-related problems of existing residential areas , so that the manuals should not be criticised for what they were not designed to do .
16 If the British were indeed talking about principles , it was a mistake ; it is a mistake to negotiate with the Chinese about generalities .
17 One or two short climbs in cloud do not prove the ability of a pilot to cope with the required longer periods of concentration and more varied conditions in larger clouds .
18 They also see it as giving the Irish government a status to negotiate with the British government on their behalf .
19 Unless an appeal committee comes to the conclusion that compliance with the parents ' preference would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources , the local education authority remains under a duty to comply with the expressed preference and if they fail to do so they are in breach of duty .
20 His high profile as a comedian , poet , singer and musician has a lot to do with the regular weekly poem he writes for the Weekend Guardian , recent appearances on radio in ‘ Kaleidoscope ’ and ‘ Loose Ends ’ and the ‘ Time Out ’ Cabaret Award , but it is in his live stage act that he can best be appreciated as an hilarious dead-pan comic .
21 Because I do n't think the question of what 's going on outside Moat Centre today or yesterday or the day after , has a lot to do with the actual alternatives that we 've been .
22 This combination of speed and close attention may have a lot to do with the narrative thrust and atmospheric coherence and intensity that make this the most gripping of his novels .
23 We detected a buzz about Wolves last week which had a lot to do with the rediscovered youth of Cyril Regis .
24 President Reagan 's claim that ‘ No other nation is in a position to deal with the key parties to the conflict on the basis of trust and reliability' jarred with assessments in early 1982 that no more than 0.5 per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank considered the United States was ‘ helpful ’ to the Palestinians in the search for a solution , and only approximately 2 per cent in the territories believed the United States was serious about a peaceful solution to the Middle East .
25 They worked through the night so as to produce a document to deposit with the local planning officer , the library and museum in Totnes .
26 Closing a pub does not help a brewer to comply with the important brewing order ; it is essential that the House understands that , as many hon. Members have problems involving pubs , and they need to answer that point , which shows that the brewing order is not the cause of the pub closure .
27 The fourth class was tackling a problem to do with the Muslim Inheritance laws .
28 She agreed to continue working and took the therapist 's advice to contact a solicitor to deal with the legal aspects of the separation .
29 The visit of the Association was not unlike the coming of a circus : local intellectuals had an opportunity to mingle with the eminent who came in droves , cities competed in the lavishness of their entertainment , and in days before radio and television one could see and hear well known speakers addressing scientific audiences , or sometimes great crowds of working men .
30 They produced an attempt to cope with the repressed memory in the form of Christianity , where a son was offered as a sacrifice to the father .
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