Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The surroundings , however , are bleak , and interest is confined to the wide expanse of Loch Ewe , an inlet of the sea of considerable extent , commissioned into service during the war as a base to assist in the passage of convoys , when there was a submarine boom across the entrance .
2 I erm am obviously feeling guilty cos I 'm not feeling guilty but it makes me cough a bit to go to the post office every week and get vastly more disabl disability er invalidity benefit than he gets , vastly more .
3 I think that may have been construed as impolite , so I smiled and replied that , yes indeed it was still a bit to go before the top , and wow , certainly it was proving mighty tough .
4 There 's rows of benches in front of it and I sit down for a bit to look at the tree .
5 For reasons which are not stated the legislature in 1988 made it essential for a successor to live in the dwelling house during the period of six months but did not amend the Act of 1985 so as to impose either a six months ' period or residence in a particular dwelling house in the case of a council house .
6 Paris was first and despite a struggle to get off the ground , the company now has three operations bringing in some £200,000 a week .
7 ‘ The crew had quite a struggle to get into the cabin .
8 Far from bringing an end to worry , home ownership became a struggle to stay in the place called home .
9 The general terms , financial data and proposed loan conditions are provided to enable potential lenders to assess and indicate a willingness to participate in the loan proposal .
10 As a course to steer to the DF station .
11 This and other studies revealed that shifts of posture , head movements and changing facial expression all have a part to play in the way a conversation moves from one person to another in a group .
12 And all those toiling thousands had a part to play in the decision to protect the hill .
13 Alliances , mergers and JVs will have a part to play in the route to concentration .
14 Previous patterns of working , sets of beliefs about parents and their willingness and capacity to play a larger part in decisions about their children with special educational needs , professional uncertainty and paternalism all had a part to play in the process .
15 It is also building a key contacts list covering those with a part to play in the process .
16 ‘ These are not easy questions to resolve but I think that if it is possible , actually to speak to these characters in such a way that they feel that they are valued and that they do have a part to play in the community , then we are on the way to resolving questions of this sort .
17 ( In the following cases , the corresponding phrase using prenominal position only would be fully acceptable ) : ( 50 ) the handbook useful is in your out-tray a story interesting would be hard to find ( 51 ) the only handbook useful is in your out-tray a story less interesting would be hard to find Even here , the distinction between qualification and assignment may have a part to play in the explanation .
18 I concede that the current recession and the Government 's mismanagement of the economy have a part to play in the fact that prestige projects are not lining up to locate in the bay .
19 Even doing the housework with Aunt Margaret satisfied her ; she had a part to play in the running of the home .
20 However , the latter have a part to play from the period of nursery rhymes and finger and other basic-activity games .
21 At the same time the defender raises his knee and pulls the attacker 's extended punch aim , using that arm as a support to strike behind the attacker 's kneecap with his foot .
22 Universities are now governed on the principle that it is right and natural for the management of a university to respond to the opinion of the students — a thing which is manifestly absurd .
23 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
24 David , aged nine , empties our bin in the yard to pick out the salvageable items before he crams the rest into a sack to take to the dump .
25 The result of this scholarly study often produced tall houses such as this , with a semi-basement to rise above the damp and a stairway up to the main floor to add importance .
26 In considering the right of the individual to know the law by simply looking at legislation , it is a fallacy to start from the position that all legislation is available in a readily understandable form in any event : the very large number of statutory instruments made every year are not available in an indexed form for well over a year after they have been passed .
27 And then he bought a computer to use in the house , nowhere else like , s it was still his house was his kingdom .
28 When such a plan has been lodged it will only be necessary for a buyer to search against the plot he is buying on the appropriate form for a search of part ( Form 94B ) , indicating thereon the plot or flat number " as shown on the estate development plan lodged in the Registry on the " — no plan being then necessary as would be the case if no estate plan had been lodged .
29 The alarm that such a prospect generated in England was real and intense : in March 1336 Philip VI ordered the French fleet which had been assembling in the Mediterranean for a crusade to transfer to the mouth of the Seine , and Edward felt convinced that Philip was planning a large-scale invasion of England .
30 It is theoretically possible for a cow to jump over the moon with something like the same improbability .
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