Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr MacKinlay told the Commons yesterday : ‘ It is a route that has been chosen to protect the Conservative Party . ’
2 Your ability to write and argue is of little avail if you get your facts wrong , fail to find the relevant authorities , rely on a statute that has been superseded or a case that has been overruled , or simply misunderstand the authorities .
3 One of the many highlights is the view down Loch Shiel from Glenfinnan , a vista that has been reproduced many times on gaudy retouched 60s ' postcards , and on calendars handed out at Christmas by firms who manufacture ball-bearings .
4 Visual difference on the same surface between a part that has been cleaned by a standard technique and the untouched area .
5 A senior academic was arrested ‘ for carrying unsigned tracts ’ of a kind that had been circulating throughout the city for a month .
6 As long ago as 1915 Scott published the first research on interviews showing that 6 personnel managers could not agree about a common set of applicants , a finding that has been replicated innumerable times and will be reflected in the personal experience of most interviewers .
7 We also found that patients with Crohn 's disease affecting the colon were likely to relapse more rapidly , a finding that has been noted by others .
8 SCFA can maintain normal fluxes in one direction of sodium and chloride in vitro even after a secretory stimulus , a finding that has been interpreted to mean that the pathway for electroneutral NaCl absorption stimulated by SCFA remains unaffected by cyclic AMP .
9 So these things came to an end , I recall that on one occasion I was offered the eye of a sheep that had been cooked on a vast platter .
10 erm , this is a , a case which er deals with er the issue of the suspension of a measure based upon community law , whether a national court , when a measure has been based upon community law has power to suspend it , now my Lord the er issue in was erm involved er the er decision of er the German government er to give effect to er a community regulation in the sugar sector which er required er that levies should be er obtained from sugar companies , so it was a very direct er implementation of community law erm in that sense different to the matter before your Lordship , but we rely on it by analogy and in , in this case my Lord er you will see it 's in the supplementary bundle of authorities , the extra bundle because , before your Lordship , in that case your Lordship will see er between paragraphs fifteen and thirty three er the er European court indicating that where a measure that has been based upon a community er , er law is challenged before a national court that the national court er should er only er engage in the er , er suspension of such a measure , erm if there is serious doubt er this is erm my Lord er at er paragraph twenty three of the case er and we say that er if you look at the criterions they are not dissimilar from those that have been adopted by the House of Lords as a matter of English law in the case
11 Neil Kinnock said last night that the rise in interest rates was ‘ a shattering blow both to households right across Britain and also to industries , and it 's even worse because it 's a blow that has been gathering ever since the first day that this Government decided its one and only economic policy would be a reliance on interest rates ’ .
12 I would suggest that the two sorts of opacity in a computer that have been discussed here are at least potentially interesting explications of that fact : modularity and program-level reduction .
13 In the small car-park of the Artilleryman 's Friend he waited by a Vauxhall that had been abandoned there ten months ago .
14 It 's a story that 's been told thousands of times since Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol , and now a group of disabled students from Herefordshire Technical college 's assisted learning unit are staging their own version .
15 I think most of the plots have been written , and it a genre that has been written out in the way that the Western was written out .
16 Hoping against hope that she had not ducked out back to her own flat — not that she 'd blame her ! — Leith skirted the room until her eyes were drawn to a settee that had been pushed back to the side of the room .
17 A lone man at nearly midnight , wearing a thin jacket in a storm that had been blowing for over an hour …
18 All morning it has been calm but now we are threatened by a storm that has been brewing out to the west .
19 Accountability in its simplest terms means the obligation to answer for a responsibility that has been conferred .
20 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
21 People will not give up lightly what they have gained under this Government , and they will not easily embrace a creed that has been rejected by so many nations in recent years .
22 At an open air market , my daughter bought a jumper that had been reduced in price .
23 The application of such an effect can change the intracellular structure of a cell that has been transformed by a cancer-causing agent , even in its latent stage .
24 Your ability to write and argue is of little avail if you get your facts wrong , fail to find the relevant authorities , rely on a statute that has been superseded or a case that has been overruled , or simply misunderstand the authorities .
25 A horse that has been abused , intimidated , and broken will never have the pride , self-esteem , and affection for its owner which can make a good horse into a great one .
26 A horse that has been hurt by people a number of times , especially in the absence of any reward , will learn to expect only ill of people and will always be anxious in relation to them .
27 It 's a ritual that 's been going on ever since the first detachment fom Lyneham came out here last December .
28 MORE than anything else , this week 's Labour Party conference should kill off a ritual that has been acted out over the years in a hundred radio and television studios .
29 There he read out a cablegram that had been sent to MCC in London .
30 ‘ Of course at first I just thought it was someone from a boat that had been driven in by the weather .
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