Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Quite a bit had spilled over the floor already so nobody would notice any more .
2 But best of all for parents , cleaning up is easy because gloop washes away ( although you may have to scrub hands a bit to get rid of the red colouring ) .
3 When the six LEAs in the Rampton survey were studied again for the Swann Report , a larger proportion of Afro-Caribbean pupils were obtaining academic qualifications : the percentage of such pupils obtaining five or more higher grades at O level and CSE and those obtaining one or more passes at A level had doubled in the period from 1979 to 1982 .
4 in contravention of a direction to stop given by the constable ( or the traffic warden ) in the execution of his duty .
5 ‘ in contravention of a direction to stop given by the constable ( or the traffic warden ) in the execution of his duty ’ .
6 ‘ in contravention of a direction to stop given by the constable ( or the traffic warden ) in the execution of his duty ’ .
7 In July 1986 windsurfers shocked the sailing world with the news that a board had travelled at the astonishing speed of 38.86 knots which is nearly 44 mph .
8 A drain had overflowed at the end of the road and water was running down the tarmac .
9 Once a beginner has got past the teething part of theory , his mind must be concentrated on the clubhead .
10 It was so weird it made my hair stand on end ; it was almost as if a ghost had walked into the room .
11 Head of state : King Mswati III who acceded in April 1986 [ see pp. 34337 ] , after a regency had ruled since the death in 1982 of his predecessor King Sobhuza II .
12 Another time , a photographer had ventured onto the reef that rose up from the sea at the far corner .
13 Alternatively , if you are not happy with your design , perhaps because some of it has come unglued or a crease has formed in the backing material , then you will have to remove the glass and rectify the problem before starting this process all over again .
14 After dinner , we had the choice of watching a cabaret show performed by the Sol entertainments team , but more often than not , we opted for a relaxing drink in the Tenerife bar .
15 Amidst expressions of growing concern by environmentalists and politicians , the Japanese Energy Agency later admitted that engineers had been forced to use a back-up water sprinkler system after a valve had failed during the emergency shut-down process .
16 To their left , a figure had slipped between the trees that lined the driveway leading to the villa .
17 A gap has appeared above the string of our new loft staircase .
18 A beggar had died on the corner of Threadneedle Street .
19 The sound of a neck snapping echoed around the room .
20 The plaintiff 's contention was that a partnership had existed between the defendant and X at the time the goods were purchased , prior to the formation of the company , and since the defendant was a partner , he was fully liable to pay the debt .
21 For such a result to have occurred in the birth-place of European integration even two years ago would have been unthinkable .
22 A boom had begun on the stock market in 1925 , based on genuine prosperity .
23 A inmate has escaped from the Broadmoor psychiatric hospital in Berkshire .
24 Of course , the others laughed at him but he insisted and said that at about the same time I thought I 'd seen Sir Bartholomew , a stranger had arrived in the village late at night and stopped at the ale-house for food and drink .
25 A couch had appeared on the balcony — had it always been there ? — and they were lying on it together , though he could not remember moving to it .
26 A dune had encroached onto the road and he was slicing away its tip , tossing it clear of the tarmac behind him .
27 The lights of a car had swung across the front of the house .
28 A car has crashed into the side of a house , after the driver lost control and ploughed through a hedge .
29 Although they were pleased to see me back , a rift had come between the staff in the Steward 's Office and my office .
30 But in the past few years a phoenix has risen from the flames of Lakehurst .
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