Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun] that have been " in BNC.

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1 The anger was triggered by a clash between photographers and bodyguards outside a toy store that had been cleared of shoppers so that Jackson could go on a shopping spree .
2 Computer Users of Europe ( CUE ) , a user group that 's been around for some time on an informal basis , has gone official : it has drafted a constitution and has a steering committee working on making it formal .
3 Rabies ; a killer disease that 's been kept at bay by Britain 's tough quarantine laws .
4 The fireplace , of typical Victorian cast-iron , was in the centre of the left hand wall whilst on the mantlepiece was a marble clock that had been presented to my mother and father when they married in 1904 , this had a large china dog on each side .
5 ‘ There 's no weight to isolated acts of self-aggrandizing heroism in a decaying society , ’ said a man who was generally nice , and who bore on his forehead the triangular scar of a marble paperweight that had been thrown at him by his best friend , a Tory , for a sentence like that .
6 The closure of the Paris office was initiated by a management team that had been installed at Rabbit Software by Safeguard .
7 A woman has offered to spend a hundred thousand pounds of her own money to reopen a village school that 's been closed for over a year .
8 A campaign group that 's been set up to lobby on behalf of the thousands of people who are thought to have lost their pensions says there 's lttle hope of Alan 's ever being refunded …
9 Most of the legislative changes over the last twenty years , for example , have had the effect of increasingly making teachers the implementors of a job description that has been concocted elsewhere .
10 The photograph opposite shows a tapestry design that has been reproduced from the pressed flower picture that stands beside it .
11 While British Rail says it ca n't afford to help disabled travellers at Leominster , it has come up with the cash to improve a commuter line that 's been plagued with delays and breakdowns .
12 The man had been impaled on the rusted spikes of a security gate that had been discarded underneath the tarpaulin .
13 But when she had washed her hair and dressed in a new pair of designer jeans and a silk shirt that had been a Christmas present and which she 'd never worn before — it was n't to Eva 's house that she went but back down into the town , towards the theatre and the Franz Joseph .
14 ‘ I remember a border collie that had been stolen from outside a shop where he 'd been tied .
15 So therefore was there anything for me as a consumer go along to the theatre , have a back programme that has been sponsored by Hydro Electric to use the bad example .
16 This is a policy intention that has been attributed to Toby Weaver , and which ( as Sir Toby ) he largely confirmed in an article in 1982 .
17 Keegan is demanding nothing like the £4,000 a week figure that has been bandied about .
18 In Bacton stud farmhouse , only sprigs of holly now decorate a dining table that had been used to display forty eight pieces of antique silver .
19 Legal systems suppliers have recently formed a trade association that has been welcomed in the profession to encourage liaison and co-ordination .
20 Super Sales Grit — SSG — is a miracle ingredient that has been trained into every Rentokil sales consultant from the very first day out with a sales manager to the final night of introductory sales consultants courses .
21 The volume of government activity has therefore become a passive residual in a planning cycle that has been reduced from five to three years .
22 The screen replaces the car windscreen , and on it is shown a road scene that has been recorded on video tape , and transferred to disk .
23 1991 , 27 , 1151 ) failed to mention that the special exhibition on the work of Sir William Henry Perkin was in addition to a poster exhibition that had been touring Essex and east London over the previous six months .
24 In this way , Axis governments anticipated a Pacific war that had been studied by only a few individuals in the Allies ' interest .
25 The Woolwich Equitable Building Society was entitled as of right to interest on the repayment of a capital sum that had been paid to the Inland Revenue pursuant to Regulations that were ultra vires and void .
26 FOLLOWING an elderly taxi in London or heavy truck up a country hill , both spewing clouds of acrid smoke , makes it hard to believe that diesel exhausts can be no more harmful than those from a petrol engine that has been fitted with a three-way catalytic converter .
27 It 's a performance story that 's been adding up for over a decade .
28 That 52–17 victory for Dallas will be sticking in the collective craws of a Buffalo side that has been so close , but never close enough .
29 We found a railway bridge that had been named the Chelmsford Bridge painted in drab brown colour .
30 This whole matter began when my service became aware of Major Maxim at the scene of a surveillance operation that had been mounted . ’
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