Example sentences of "in [Wh det] they [verb] [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , therefore , children preferred the inner-city environment and family life in which they had been born and reared .
2 It showed what many journalists in Beirut had long realised : that the Palestinians regarded their cause , their country — Palestine — as infinitely more holy , more sacred than the nation in which they had been given refuge .
3 He turned his attention mainly to the northern forests , however ; he examined the local juries as to the way in which they had been kept , and held Forest Eyres in all the northern Forest counties .
4 The conditions in which they had been kept in the notorious Tazmamert prison had been so appalling that they had had to be transferred to a hospital for medical treatment to make them fit for release .
5 From the 11th century , such events had been popular for about 500 years but over the centuries there had been great changes to the ways in which they had been conducted .
6 They had seen little of the house apart from a gloomy garden and a long corridor which led from the entrance hall to the room in which they had been received .
7 as if they were already dead , Karelius fancied , and from limbo could still hear the sounds of the battle in which they had been killed .
8 Laura , for instance , had two younger brothers , who were not settling very well into the stockbrokers ' firm in which they had been placed , and numerous uncles , one of them an old horror who obtained Scandinavian au pairs through advertisements in The Lady , and then , of course , her Norfolk cousins .
9 Both Hastings and McGeechan ranked the Scottish effort as one of the finest in which they had been involved .
10 Mr Hall said Miss Scott had explained she did not give notification of her mother 's death because she was afraid the authorities would discover the conditions in which they had been living .
11 It was n't so much his words which comforted Cassie , but rather the tone in which they had been said .
12 I would eat tinned vegetables , being sure to drink the water in which they had been canned , and I would conserve body fluid by eating little or no protein .
13 More and more armies were becoming reliable though still very cumbersome machines , mechanisms which could be relied on to perform competently on the battlefield the evolutions in which they had been trained , and to stand enemy fire without flinching .
14 Readers had responded to a Desert Island Discs competition , in which they had been asked to indicate their eight favourite works , the winner being the reader whose choice was nearest to consensus opinion .
15 Written documents could be and were easily forged whereas seals , crosses , medallions etc. were , in the way in which they had been developed and used in pre-Norman Britain , distinctive individual objects , which were less easily forged , more identifiable and more obviously linked to particular individuals .
16 By this time , they were looking ahead to the long-term effects on the children of the arbitrary manner in which they had been removed , and the lengthy absence from their homes and families .
17 These components were , therefore , far more representative of the structure of G-BEBP than two brand new units would have been ; indeed the period in which they had been subjected to the stresses and strains of flight was remarkably similar to that of the accident aircraft .
18 But nowhere was there a mention of the exact circumstances in which they had been found .
19 Several subjects reported that they felt that they would be able to give far more information if they were permitted to recall the junctions in the order in which they had been driven .
20 They became less and less forgivable as time cooled the heat of the moments in which they had been spoken .
21 He stole the show and became the epitome of the American anti-hero , the spit-in-your-eye champion of counter-culture whose irreverence captivated and finally liberated his audiences from the time warp in which they had been trapped since Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando and James Dean began it in a rather less volatile manner in the early Fifties .
22 Register Office , handful of guests , parents optional , drink-up at couple 's house ( in which they 've been living for several years already ) .
23 They have had unfortunate childhoods in which they have been neglected and brutalised .
24 The result is a crisis of confidence , often resolved by teachers returning to the assurance of tradition which represents , after all , the more influential authority of the culture in which they have been nurtured .
25 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
26 Lightning , earthquakes , cloudbursts and tornadoes may be acts of God but there seems to be no English decision in which they have been involved .
27 7.6 Research on violence to staff in Social Work Departments shows that those who have been attacked can mistakenly feel that they have failed professionally and so may not report an incident in which they have been involved .
28 Choreographers must have been dancers themselves if they are to understand and feel the natural abilities of the body and to allow fur the influence of the techniques in which they have been trained .
29 The scale of many more recent industrial disputes , together with the manner in which they have been regarded by workers , employers and the state , have made explanations based on pluralism seem less and less plausible .
30 The House of Lords decision in Re an inquiry under the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 illustrates clearly how the authorities are determined to take their new powers seriously and how the courts are prepared to interpret the provisions in the spirit in which they have been granted .
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