Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [pers pn] [vb base] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Register Office , handful of guests , parents optional , drink-up at couple 's house ( in which they 've been living for several years already ) .
2 They have had unfortunate childhoods in which they have been neglected and brutalised .
3 The result is a crisis of confidence , often resolved by teachers returning to the assurance of tradition which represents , after all , the more influential authority of the culture in which they have been nurtured .
4 By contrast , I make it clear that Labour believes it is right and just and should be the first priority for pensioners to get an increase of £5 a week for a single pensioner and £8 a week for a married couple , given the mean and miserable way in which they have been treated over the past decade .
5 Lightning , earthquakes , cloudbursts and tornadoes may be acts of God but there seems to be no English decision in which they have been involved .
6 7.6 Research on violence to staff in Social Work Departments shows that those who have been attacked can mistakenly feel that they have failed professionally and so may not report an incident in which they have been involved .
7 Choreographers must have been dancers themselves if they are to understand and feel the natural abilities of the body and to allow fur the influence of the techniques in which they have been trained .
8 The scale of many more recent industrial disputes , together with the manner in which they have been regarded by workers , employers and the state , have made explanations based on pluralism seem less and less plausible .
9 The House of Lords decision in Re an inquiry under the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 illustrates clearly how the authorities are determined to take their new powers seriously and how the courts are prepared to interpret the provisions in the spirit in which they have been granted .
10 Expert witnesses will prioritise hearings in which they have been summonsed .
11 Assume an investor is confronted by the choice of investing in one of two companies which are identical in every respect except for the way in which they have been financed .
12 On the one hand , cognitive-behavioural interventions with a high turnover and short contact have yielded promising results in the few studies in which they have been attempted .
13 Most finds that were simply lost ( small and easily mislaid , such as coins and brooches ) or objects that fell into places from which they could not be retrieved , such as wells , are often complete and may be in very good condition , depending on the materials from which they are made and the conditions in which they have been buried .
14 Yet he feared they were like biting fish in a fine mesh net , if they swam forward they would never escape ; he saw them lifting their limbs with automatic motion , as crayfish with their lumbering claws knock against the basketwork of the pens in which they have been trapped .
15 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
16 Gary McAllister' exquisite chip six minutes from time sparked a frantic late charge from the faded champions to salvage a replay from a disastrous six days in which they have been dumped out of Europe by Rangers and mauled 4–0 at Manchester City .
17 Compost in which they have been growing should also be removed .
18 For instance , when J. Henry Thoreau wrote of the greyness of rocks , he described the air as the thin paint in which they have been dipped and brushed by the wind .
19 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
20 That is the right way to help people , it is the right way to achieve long-term prosperity for this country and it is the way in which we have been developing our policies .
21 The cultural framework in which we have been raised and within which we have been taught to operate provides both security and significance within its frontiers .
22 But the ways in which we have been asked to look at consumer credit use are hardly relevant to TV rental .
23 As far as I can make out , the hon. and learned Gentleman has just created a precedent by telling the House that , in the two wars in which we have been involved , it was — to use his word — ’ inconceivable ’ that the Government would have used nuclear weapons .
24 Now I should like the name and address of the authority who employ you , the name of your landlady and that of the school in which you 've been teaching . ’
25 Although I do not have a magic wand , I hope to be able to establish some means of providing the physical back-up that you would like to receive from the Society and to start the ball rolling I am compiling a list of all the ways in which you have been supported or would like to have been supported , in the past plus suggestions for the future .
26 If you 're feeling proud of a quality improvement project in which you have been involved , you should enter for the awards .
27 Your readers may be amused by an incident in which I have been involved .
28 I hope that , whatever the outcome , Peter and his colleagues will have ceased to regard the IoT as an ‘ enemy ’ , and recognise the merit in what we have been saying and abandon the separate examination proposal .
29 Suppose I 'm an industrialist listening to this programme , and I 've been very interested in what you 've been saying , and I feel that I 've got a problem that the University could possibly give me some advice on .
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