Example sentences of "in [v-ing] their [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The project has caused schools to give priority consideration to their libraries , to invest their own time , resources , and energy in bringing their institution to the threshold of project involvement , to establish appropriate committees , and to undertake the difficult business of planning and producing a proposal .
2 These reflections upon the character of the new vision of contracts may assist teachers in organizing their teaching of the modern doctrine .
3 Teachers are also represented , and many find marking helpful in shaping their approach to the subject ; they are not involved , of course , in the setting of question papers .
4 Even given good behaviour between ladies and gentlemen , spending departments have evolved some relatively effective tactics and strategies in pressing their cause with the Treasury or Cabinet ( Glennerster , 1975 ) , as follows :
5 Traders do well to be careful in describing their merchandise for the section may catch not just the deliberate liar but also the honest trader who carelessly misdescribes his goods .
6 But that will only happen if and when holidaymakers use their consumer power to insist that hotels , tour operators and international airlines take an active role in minimising their impact on the environment .
7 But they made a costly mistake in teaching their language to the hoipolloi .
8 ‘ In such circumstances there will be no VAT recovery but funeral directors will have to incur the costs both in setting-up the scheme and in defending their claim before the Customs and a Tribunal .
9 The godly had some success in severing their connection with the church by banishing them from the churchyard , but the old festal calendar survived and the activities associated with it — mumming at New Year , dancing at Candlemas , football and other games at Shrovetide , and maypole dancing on Mayday — were relocated in and around the village ale-house .
10 Pancho has witnessed players he believed were thwarted in achieving their apogee on the tennis court .
11 But consideration of the process by which family size was negotiated between husband and wife is crucial , especially when evidence suggests that the couples who were most successful in controlling their fertility between the wars were those who discussed the issue and reached agreement .
12 ‘ The paper was just getting too unwieldly , we needed to give our readers some help in finding their way around the paper , ’ says Mr Fontaine .
13 In making their choice for the use of land , farmers have thought like this .
14 As to the Scottish electorate , I reassure the hon. Gentleman that they were at the forefront in seeking the abolition of domestic rates and they will be at the forefront in resisting their reintroduction by the Opposition .
15 Part of that rally — and I am immodest enough to think a not unimportant part — was to enlist the services of my partner John Montgomerie ( Monty ) and myself to assist in preparing their answer to the consultative document .
16 However , the Commission took a practical view of the effect of such restrictions in assessing their compatibility with the competition rules .
17 Often girls in this situation are not only skilful in concealing their pregnancy through the loose style of clothes they wear , but remain physically small — that is , until finally the truth is out , and suddenly their pregnancy also seems to expand , as if with relief that it can at last be public .
18 It has been suggested that most of the major problems in the analysis of modern bureaucracies concern the degree of responsiveness they display in adjusting their behaviour to the wants of the public they are supposed to serve .
19 In Chapter Two it was noted that although presidents face many difficulties in imposing their will on the American political system their chances of doing so are rather greater in foreign and defence policy than in domestic affairs .
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