Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [adv] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To remove the fly-by-night and seasonal aquaria , and the bad zoos , the RSPCA was instrumental in bringing forward the Zoo Licensing Act which has dramatically improved the standard of zoos and the welfare of wild animals in captivity .
2 Will the right hon. Gentleman join me once again in congratulating Mr. James Baker on the notable and indispensable part that he played in bringing about the Madrid conference ?
3 The Labour Party 's part in bringing down the Chamberlain Government in May 1940 was recognized by the central roles allotted to Labour Ministers in Churchill 's Coalition Government .
4 The art , therefore , is in determining which staff need to be relocated and in drawing up a compensation package which will encourage most , if not all , of the key people to move .
5 Cohesiveness found expression in open discussion about needs and in drawing up a training plan : the boards had recognised a problem and done something to resolve it .
6 This time , the Third World has a lever of sorts in its willingness , or unwillingness , to co-operate , but one of limited value since co-operation in drawing up a climate convention is ultimately as much in the interests of the poor nations as it is in those of the rich .
7 The key worker acts as an advocate — he or she represents a client in drawing up a care plan or at any discussion where clients may not be able to speak for themselves .
8 In drawing up a care plan , Mrs Allen and I agreed that the main problem was the infected gash on her leg and the surrounding area of cellulitis .
9 It has also asked Malaysia and Singapore , the two other countries bordering the strait , to collaborate in drawing up an emergency plan to protect the waterway from pollution .
10 It would not be appropriate to consult prospective purchasers , whether or not they are management-employer buy-out teams , in drawing up the disposal programme .
11 Aware of German determination to maintain control over the currency , the Commission gave Pöhl a decisive say in drawing up the draft statutes of the proposed European Central Bank .
12 In injuries and accidents , the injury remedies can be of great value , and even when surgery is indicated they can be helpful in shortening the post-operative period and in speeding up the recovery process .
13 There are also difficulties in seeing how the Theft Act offences relate to civil law concepts , such as restitution , on which they are based .
14 This regretfully brought to an abrupt end his continuing work for the Building Employers Confederation as well as destroying a lifetime 's work in building up a family company .
15 Mr Justice Ward had added that Mrs Gojkovic had ‘ played a unique role ’ in building up the hotel venture , which now included 13 hotels .
16 The factor that may be decisive in explaining why the oil industry produced in west Thurso so great and prolonged an excess at ages 5–24 is the large number of incomers already associated with the nuclear industry .
17 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
18 And her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement with Fergie which ensures that she will never be able to take her children abroad where they would be out of the Queen 's control .
19 These networks are at the heart of policy-making in the United States and are even important in understanding how the US president makes appointments to senior levels in the Federal government .
20 All the even-toed ungulates share certain characteristics , which are important in understanding how the mountain goat has managed to adapt to the particularly inhospitable environment in which it lives .
21 Despite its success in signing up the software community for Destiny , everything is n't roses at Univel Inc at the moment .
22 The campaigners succeeded in returning both the policy debate and the decision-making powers to the local community .
23 In his final chapter , he notes that the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce identified what he feels ‘ may perhaps be the most important influence of all in driving up the divorce rate , namely the idealization of the individual pursuit of self-gratification and personal pleasure at the expense of a sense of reciprocal obligations and duties towards helpless dependents , such as children , and , our society as a whole ’ ( pp 403–4 ) .
24 These can be disappointing because the camcorder 's auto-exposure system , in opening up the lens aperture to maximise the average brightness of the shot , will probably record the coloured lights as colourless points of light .
25 Bruce is particularly proud of ICI 's role in opening up the spirits market .
26 So there 's no budget in picking out the f fuel for it .
27 He was only half listening , engrossed in tapping out the telephone number .
28 The plea bargain agreed between Exxon , the Justice Department and the state of Alaska had set the company 's total liability at $1 billion : $900m of this was a civil settlement to meet costs incurred by the government in cleaning up the 11m gallons of oil spilt into Prince William Sound ; the other $100m was a fine , payable to the Treasury , to settle the four criminal charges .
29 One of the major difficulties faced by many firms which post- audited their investment projects lies in separating out the cash inflows and outflows directly attributable to the project from those of existing activities .
30 The only real problem with all these lies in marking out the study area for it will rarely be possible to delimit a discrete enclave of the animals .
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