Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having achieved power in certain situations , the military has great difficulty in maintaining it without the support of other important groups in society .
2 He had had his rest , his metabolism responded well to an occasional crisis , he had long known there was one looming here , and he may have sensed that there were advantages , both public and private , in bringing it to a head before the end of his premiership .
3 A few reporters , shunning the handout , gave an impression that the American press was opposed to the war , and indeed played a large part in bringing it to an end , an impression that journalists have since been content to foster .
4 The seller has no difficulty in producing them for the buyer in any quantity provided he has sufficient notice to schedule production , and purchase needed materials and components .
5 In 1955 the new British Conservative premier , Anthony Eden , took the lead in salvaging something from the wreck of EDC .
6 She directed her anger at her husband as well as Luke and was frustrated by her husband 's passivity and lack of activity in helping her with the problem as well as more generally in their relationship .
7 We are justified in using it for a quality of material things only if the quality is like the bodily sensation .
8 Therefore we are not justified in using it for a quality of material things .
9 Unfortunately there is a confounding factor of experience in this : the earlier sign has been learned the more experience one is likely to have had in using it by the time the sign language testing occurs .
10 Since it had been a great success when read aloud to ‘ our local club ’ , Tolkien had absolute confidence in submitting it to the publisher of The Hobbit , Stanley Unwin .
11 Their problems are not likely to be solved unless this aspect of them is dealt with and some skill may be necessary in drawing it into the light .
12 Some fat women do not define themselves sexually because they do not consider themselves sexually viable , and see no point in labelling themselves in a vacuum .
13 They concur with the group in seeing it as a way of cutting down on bootleg tapes , though it will still reduce the impact of a future live album .
14 It was as if all the stifled rebellion on which the great flat and heavy city had pressed with its pompous facades since the time of those artisans whom Peter the Great had sent to perish in building it in the swamp , had boiled up in a single night .
15 But it is not every image that succeeds in suggesting something of the thrill of the hunt as well as curiosity .
16 He 'd laughed at her , teased her , and succeeded in keeping her at a distance .
17 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
18 So far she had gained the distinct impression that being angry and obnoxious with her suited him just fine — he positively revelled in deriding her at every opportunity .
19 However , in reaffirming it as an objective , Mr Kinnock was careful not to set a timescale for reducing unemployment to between 750,000 and one million , depending on circumstances .
20 I think the game I think the game has done well in tackling that problem but I do n't think we as a society have done very well in tackling it in the country at large .
21 Insults apart , the kernel of the argument was that , whereas More considered the Scriptures to be committed to the Pope and hierarchy for interpretation , Tyndale believed that they belonged to every Christian , who would be guided in understanding them by the spirit of God .
22 When a group is unknown , the advantage lies with the record company in signing them on the company 's terms .
23 The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness novel at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries was obviously related to a huge epistemological shift in culture at large , from locating reality in the objective world of actions and things as perceived by common sense , to locating it in the minds of individual thinking subjects , each of whom constructs their own reality , and has difficulty in matching it with the reality constructed by others .
24 Common Law found a difficulty in protecting him against the stranger .
25 Today , the medical establishment , in both Britain and America , is of the opinion that dietary fibre is of value in protecting us from the diseases of modern Western civilization .
26 Richard was quite correct , as technically speaking they were all in harbour , in addressing them by the names of their craft .
27 There was certainly no implication in classical criminology , as there was to be in positivist , that we can ignore the content and operation of legal rules in addressing ourselves to the question of the causes and treatment of crime .
28 In establishing himself in the north , Gloucester was able to build upon existing foundations .
29 In establishing himself in the north , Gloucester was able to build upon existing foundations .
30 You did us a great service in warning him of the threat to his life , Isabel .
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