Example sentences of "in [det] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Socialist and communist parties have constantly been fragmented , defeated , and in some cases absorbed by the strength of social forces mobilized on non-class based ideas : such as nationalism , imperialism , religion , racism , fascism and sexism .
2 In 1759 some of the greatest Portuguese nobles whom Pombal regarded as threats to his position , the Duke of Aveiro , the Marquis of Tavora , the Marquis of Alorna , were accused of conspiring against the king , tortured and in some cases broken on the wheel .
3 The century had been one of tremendous change and older views , like the emphasis on individualism , were being modified and in some cases challenged by the closing decades of the century .
4 Indeed , during a summer of rioting by juvenile delinquents in England recently in the course of which whole urban areas were terrorized , looted and in some cases burnt to the ground , it was seriously suggested that the police had been to blame merely by being there to enforce the law .
5 The claims involve hardening and in some cases rupturing of the implant and the injuries suffered vary but include auto-immune system disorders such as athritus .
6 Thirdly , and with particular interest for the present work , the strike was uneven in its geographical impact ; whereas in some areas support for the union was virtually 100 per cent throughout the year-long dispute , in others there was very little backing and coal was mined throughout the period .
7 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
8 The mandibles of Ephemeropteran larvae are in some respects intermediate between the Lepismatidae and the higher Pterygotes ( Snodgrass , 1950 ; Brown , 1961 ) .
9 A similar situation in some respects developed over the office of fiscal of the regality court of Lennox , or Mugdock , an appointment which was held by William Weir , the town clerk of the burgh of Rutherglen , a gentleman who also officiated as commissary of Hamilton and Campsie .
10 For reasons which are fairly obvious this procedure of bargaining may in some societies lead to the endorsement of highly wicked principles as that society 's doctrine of justice .
11 None the less , its economy had in some ways benefited from the diversification and protection from external competition which resulted from international sanctions imposed after the unilateral declaration of independence by the white minority government in 1965 .
12 One of the key assumptions of Morgan and Engels was that the shift from matriliny to patriliny was in some ways linked with the introduction of herding and , subsequently , agriculture .
13 Yet it is interesting to read another speech , reluctantly dropped very late in the play 's completion , which both showed Christianity in some ways working with the savage world , and looked back with a different point of view to the earlier worship of a human god in the unpublished ‘ Exequy ’ poem in the Waste Land manuscripts .
14 Furthermore , the deterioration of visibility in some regions associated with the increased occurrence of regional hazes ( composed of sulphates and nitrates ) reflects the trend of rising emissions from power stations located increasingly outside metropolitan areas .
15 Identification with the group in such circumstances calls for the rejection of that authority .
16 The need for the intermediary UK company to register in such circumstances flies in the face of Customs ' contention that the single market should not add to the burdens on business .
17 We may in such circumstances act on the instructions of the Board of Directors , provided we are sure they are mandated to act .
18 That it is the member state which is liable in such circumstances appears from the passage from the judgment in the Francovich case which I have quoted .
19 This is just as true of a mechanical joint as it is of a glued joint and most of the load in such joints comes upon the first and last bolts or rivets .
20 I think the dashing strain in these emigres appealed to the countrymen of Henri IV , Bernadotte , Foch ( and our own Fieldmarshal Alanbrooke ) , and Dumas 's d'Artagnan .
21 The reason for interest in these diseases stems from the massive emigration from countries where they are endemic to others where syphilis is the only or principal treponemal infection .
22 They noted an increase in these alterations according to the progression of oesophageal injury .
23 In this book we will be using the ‘ C-word ’ in these senses to refer to the present penal situation in England and Wales , albeit with slight embarrassment and the worry that it has been used so often and for so long that there is a danger that it may be losing its dramatic impact .
24 In these circumstances to talk of the inner city may be to accept a vocabulary which we might prefer not to endorse but it might also use the only language in which we can be heard .
25 It is unrealistic in these times to work on the assumption that profit sharing ratios , once fixed , are sacrosanct only ever to be changed when the number of partners changes .
26 The figures quoted in these illustrations comply with the rates of return ( and other factors ) as set out on the LAUTRO bases , the higher illustration representing a future rate of return of 13% per annum and the lower illustration representing a future rate of return of 8 ½%; per annum .
27 The figures quoted in these illustrations comply with the rates of return and other factors set out in the Lautro bases , the higher illustration representing a future rate of return of 10.5% per annum and the lower illustration representing a future rate of return of 7% per annum .
28 Major changes in these conditions came with the ‘ turnpiking ’ of many of the major roads in the later eighteenth century , the creation of metalled highways by local trusts who paid the costs from tolls exacted on the users .
29 Sir , one has to have in these matters regard to the practicalities of the situation .
30 The ease with which patients are managed in these settings contrasts with the chaos that commonly ensues when a single anorexia nervosa patient is treated on a general psychiatric or medical ward , where she is either afforded special status or rejected because her illness is seen as self-inflicted .
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