Example sentences of "in [det] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I pick up on the comment from the , Notts are n't as in control as they were , after first Tony and then Paul got their names on the score sheet in each case for the first time this season , both with bristling finishing efforts and you 'd be a harsh critic indeed who did n't agree that Pisa deserved to pull one back because they played some fine attacking football , and it was the player who 's caused most danger , who 's wearing the number eleven that moved across to the right hand side , got clear of the defence , pulled back an absolutely brilliant clot cross and in the middle who 'd missed an earlier header on fifteen minutes to make it one one , did n't miss on this occasion .
2 The trio were so utterly absorbed in each other for the next half hour that none of them noticed Rose Williams watching them from some little distance , her face screwed into a sour smile of bitterness and longing .
3 As was customary in North Korea the authorities reported that 99.73 per cent of the electorate had voted , in each instance for the sole candidate of the ruling KWP .
4 Once the public choice perspective is introduced , a relevant question becomes , What is in each theory for the political actors ?
5 Jesus Christ , you have been in that pit for the past three hours .
6 Clarke has not played in that position for the last couple of years , but performed excellently .
7 Some of Attalli 's wilder critics , especially in Britain , would almost like to reserve a place in that line for the 47-year-old Frenchman .
8 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
9 Then he admitted as he shovelled manure at a tree-planting ceremoney in his Huntingdon constituency : ‘ It occurs to me I 've been up to my neck in this stuff for the last month . ’
10 He 's been active with me in this issue for the last few years , ’ the MP announced .
11 * See our Lakes Report in this issue for the definitive story on the Raven Crag bolt placement .
12 If SR is to remain a relevant magazine it has to continue to attract new young readers — with outlets for feminist and particularly lesbian thought being cut back on all sides SR could well be a first line in this battle for the foreseeable future .
13 trade unionism has been failing in this country for the last fourteen years .
14 It is pretty disgraceful if I can not put to the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East the points which have been the centre of debate in this country for the past 10 days , but I shall do so .
15 Some learn in this way for the first time about what goes on inside a university .
16 So we have established a measure which we call OTIF — on time , in full — and we 've been measuring our performance in this area for the past two years .
17 In the 1760s the Lake District with its rugged and dramatic scenery began to be all the rage with artists of all sorts , and in their wake , as usual , the dilettanti rich followed limply behind , thinking there must be something in this search for the sublime through unadulterated nature .
18 So far , the case discussed in this book for the extended use of the industrial co-operative as a form of organisation for production or provision has stood primarily upon the proposition that it is an expression of authentic industrial democracy , that such an extension would help to fill a debilitating gap in the practice in the United Kingdom of western liberal principles , to mend what Bertrand Russell calls ‘ this disruption of democracy from within' .
19 Mr R. Newcombe was duly elected to serve in this office for the ensuing year .
20 Several of the articles in this important collection produced over the last ten years and gathered together in this volume for the first time , focus particularly on ordinary femininity .
21 In the Dominican Republic , brewing of Guinness under licence commenced during the year , making the brand available in this market for the first time .
22 Recognising the rough apology contained in this speech for the dour ill manners of her spouse , Theda smiled warmly .
23 Yes colleagues , what I will do is this , erm no one will be in this Congress for the last three days without knowing the strong feelings on the Timex issue .
24 Similar figures were compiled in more detail for the Cantal Department ( Table 6 ) .
25 Its advice on planting incorporated some from other writers , but the bulk of the book is a series of descriptions of plants ‘ suitable in any way for the British flower garden ’ , among them many new introductions .
26 We shall consider its three main functions : first to offer an explanation , based on the Christian faith , of the nature of death , understood as part of mankind 's lot in a ‘ post fall ’ world ; second , to demonstrate the love of the church by offering comprehensive support to the bereaved ; and third to provide an easily available source of ritual which is necessary in any society for the public recognition and containment of grief .
27 I 've been told there 's no real translation in any language for the English conception of fair , which is oblique justice redefined for every circumstance .
28 The front runner in any bid for the remote-sensing and weather satellites is Comsat , the Washington company that already runs a series of communications craft .
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